DuckDuckGo has released 'AI Chat,' which allows you to use AI such as ChatGPT and Claude 3 for free and anonymously from your browser, so I tried it out

DuckDuckGo, a privacy-focused search engine and browser company, has released a beta version of DuckDuckGo AI Chat (AI Chat), a service that allows users to anonymously and for free use AI models such as GPT-3.5, Claude 3, Llama 3, and Mixtral 8x7B. AI Chat can be easily used from a browser, so I tried it out.

DuckDuckGo AI Chat: anonymous access to popular chatbots

AI Chat

DuckDuckGo AI Chat Privacy Policy and Terms of Use

When you access the official AI Chat website , you will see the following screen. Click 'Start'.

At the time of writing, AI Chat has four models available: OpenAI's GPT-3.5 Turbo, Anthropic's Claude 3 Haiku, Meta's Llama 3 70B, and Mistral AI's Mixtral 8x7B. This time, select GPT-3.5 Turbo and click 'Next'.

After reading and agreeing to

the privacy policy and terms of use, click 'Agree'. In AI Chat, DuckDuckGo calls the chat model on behalf of the user and makes requests using DuckDuckGo's IP address instead of the user's IP address, so it is not possible to trace the model back to the user.

Then the AI Chat interface was displayed.

Enter the prompt in the form at the bottom and click the send button on the right to chat with the AI. Try typing 'What is GIGAZINE?'

The response generated was, 'GIGAZINE is a Japanese online news site that provides articles on a wide range of topics, including technology, entertainment, subculture, and science. GIGAZINE is popular for covering the latest trends and topics in Japan and abroad.' DuckDuckGo has contracts with all AI model developers to restrict how the data can be used, such as not using prompts or replies to develop or improve the models, and deleting all information within up to 30 days when there is no longer a need to provide replies.

I then asked, 'Have you read it?' and received a serious answer: 'Sorry, but I don't have access to the Internet to get information, so I can't browse GIGAZINE or other websites directly. I'm programmed to provide you with information based on your questions. How can I help you?'

If you want to refresh the chat and start a new conversation, just click the flame icon on the left side of the input form.

Although the AI model that can be used in AI Chat is not the latest or most advanced model at the time of writing, it can generate reasonably reasonable responses to questions.

However, since it is AI, it is important to note that it may generate inaccurate or ambiguous answers.

You can switch between AI models by clicking the switch button on the left.

AI Chat is free to use within a certain daily free limit, but once the limit is exceeded, it will no longer be available. DuckDuckGo will continue to offer its free service, but in the future it plans to launch paid plans that will increase usage limits and provide access to more advanced models.

in Review,   Software,   Web Service, Posted by log1h_ik