Anatomist explains what your nipples can tell you about your health
Nipples are a kind of organ that may or may not be necessary for men who do not breastfeed, but regardless of gender, nipples hold important health clues. Experts have explained medical knowledge and little-known trivia about nipples.
What your nipples can tell you about your health
Dan Baumgardt, an anatomist at the University of Bristol in the UK, says he's often asked questions about nipples, such as, ' Why do men have nipples? ' and 'Why are nipples considered erogenous zones?'
Nipples and health
Joking question aside, the nipples have an important function for a breastfeeding woman: They contain nerves that respond to the feeding of the infant, stimulating the release of the hormone oxytocin , which stimulates milk release from the breast.
The colored area around the nipple, called the areola, also plays a role: the skin in the areola contains glands that secrete protective substances that are thought to protect the nipple area from damage caused by rubbing during breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding is not the only trigger for oxytocin; sometimes a baby's crying can stimulate the pituitary gland in the brain, which then releases oxytocin.
On the other hand, if milk comes out of the nipples of a woman who is not breastfeeding, it may be due to a benign tumor called
Prolactinoma can affect both men and women, and if the pituitary tumor grows and puts pressure on the optic nerve, it can cause vision problems. Breast cancer can also cause nipple discharge, so Baumgard said, 'If you notice a lump, bump, or other abnormality in your nipple, tell your doctor right away. It's also essential to regularly check your breast tissue, and be sure to get a mammogram .'
However, a non-breastfeeding nipple discharge is not necessarily due to breast cancer. Nipple discharge can also occur during pregnancy or while taking oral contraceptives, and mastitis, an infection of the breast tissue, can also cause a discharge. Mastitis most commonly occurs in breastfeeding mothers, but it can also occur in non-breastfeeding women and men.
◆Nipple trivia
While TV shows like The Simpsons often feature characters with a third nipple, some real-life celebrities, including actor Mark Wahlberg and singer-songwriter Lily Allen , also have more than the average number of nipples, and singer Harry Styles , who has four.
Overall, it's estimated that between 1-6% of the population have three or more nipples, but this figure varies by region, ranging from up to 6% in the United States to just 0.22% in Hungary. Extra nipples may go unnoticed as pigmented skin spots, like moles, or may be associated with breast tissue and cause symptoms such as pain, sensitivity, and swelling.
It is thought that these extra nipples are due to the 'milk line' that mammals have in order to feed many young at once. Unlike dogs and cats, humans usually lose all but two nipples during the fetus, but some may have extra nipples.
by The Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research
The position of the nipple is important, and misaligned nipples on the chest may indicate Poland syndrome, a condition in which the pectoral muscles on one side are absent or abnormally developed.
My Poland syndrome - YouTube
'Nipple abnormalities can be a sign of a more serious breast condition or a sign of neurological or developmental disorders, so it's important to pay close attention to any changes in your nipples or breasts and to consult a doctor as soon as possible if you notice any abnormalities,' said Baumgard.
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in Science, , Posted by log1l_ks