Experts explain 'What happens to your penis as you get older?'

As humans age, all parts of our bodies age, and even the penis is no exception.
Here's what happens to your penis as you age

◆Does your penis get smaller as you get older?
Many people may be interested in the question, 'Does the penis shrink as it ages?' However, although there are studies that have measured the length and thickness of penises in different age groups, it is difficult to answer this question because there are no studies that have followed the same adult penis over several decades.
Additionally, because the length and thickness of the penis vary depending on whether it is stretched out, flaccid, or erect, it is difficult to conduct comparative studies, McLachlan et al. points out.
However, for some people, the penis becomes shorter due to physical changes associated with aging, such as ``obesity causing the base of the penis to become buried,'' ``prostate surgery causing temporary shrinkage,'' and ``Peyronie 's disease causing the penis to curve and make it look smaller.'' It could look like this. Furthermore, the size of an erect penis may become smaller due to age-related erectile dysfunction and decreased penis elasticity.
◆How does aging affect erectile dysfunction?
The most worrying thing about aging may be erectile dysfunction, which is the inability of the penis to erect properly. A British
Medications such as sildenafil (Viagra) and tadalafil (Cialis) are effective in treating erectile dysfunction, but these do not repair the damage to blood vessels and nerves that are the root cause of erectile dysfunction. Therefore, it is ultimately necessary to use a vacuum erection device (penis pump) that creates a vacuum inside the bottle surrounding the penis and allows blood flow to flow.
Other changes that occur to the penis as we age include a decrease in the sensitivity of the penis, making it harder to achieve an erection and ejaculation, a decrease in the amount of ejaculation at a time, and the period between ejaculation and the time when sexual response occurs again. This may result in a longer refractory period . With 33% of men in their 70s saying it is impossible or difficult to reach orgasm, there is no doubt that erection and ejaculation become more difficult as we age.

◆Does the shape of the penis change with age?
Although it is not normally thought that the shape of the penis changes with age, the number of patients with Peyronie's disease, which causes an abnormally curved penis, increases with age, and 6.5% of men over 70 have Peyronie's disease. About. McLachlan et al. point out that this may be the result of small damage accumulating over time.
◆Will the amount of pee increase?
Urinary problems such as increased incontinence, weak urinary flow, difficulty in starting and ending urination, and urinary frequency increase with age. This is said to be due to the fact that benign prostatic hyperplasia, which is the enlargement of the prostate gland around the urethra, increases with age. Approximately 50% of men over the age of 65 and 70% of men over the age of 80 have moderate to severe urinary symptoms. He is said to have a disability.
◆Are penis problems a sign of disease?
Physical and functional changes in the penis that occur with aging can have a negative impact on a man's health and well-being. Erection and ejaculation problems can reduce the quality of your sex life with your partner, and urinary problems can lead to mental health and relationship problems.
Not only that, erectile dysfunction can also be a sign of serious health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and nervous system disorders. In fact,
It is common for men to experience slight changes in penis size and erectile dysfunction as they age. However, ``the penis has suddenly changed shape or size, or a large lump has formed,'' ``pain or discomfort in or around the penis,'' ``persistent erectile dysfunction,'' or ``urinary-related problems suddenly occur.'' McLachlan et al. advised that if you notice any significant abnormalities such as 'appearance', you should see a doctor.

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in Science, Posted by log1h_ik