Why does your voice change as you get older? Is it possible to prevent changes in voice quality?

When listening to the latest album and the first album of an artist who has been active for many years, some people must have been surprised that 'the vocal quality has changed a lot.' The human voice changes rapidly due to changes in voice and aging, but

Adam Taylor, an anatomy professor at Lancaster University in the UK, asked the question, ``Why does the human voice change with age?'' I am explaining.

Why our voices change as we get older

The vocal cords that make up the human voice are located in the upper part of the larynx , which separates air and food entering the mouth into the esophagus and trachea. The vocal cords are composed of three main parts: the vocal cord muscles and vocal cord ligaments that are necessary for opening and closing, and the mucous membrane that covers and protects them. Sound is produced by vibration.

Before puberty , there is not much difference in the voice produced by the vocal cords between males and females. After puberty, the length of the larynx becomes about 16 mm in men and about 10 mm in women, and in women, the vocal cords become thinner by 20 to 30% . Women's voices are higher than men's because their vocal cords are shorter and thinner compared to men's.

Hormonal balance can also affect the voice after puberty, and it is known that the voice is heard differently depending on the menstrual cycle, especially for women. Ovulatory women are generally considered to have the best voices because during the ovulatory period, a lot of mucus is secreted and the vocal cords are well protected.

On the other hand, before menstruation, the vocal cords may become stiff due to the influence of hormone balance, and it may not be possible to produce a good voice. As a result, in the 1960s, some opera houses exempted premenstrual female singers from singing. In addition, research results have been reported that women taking contraceptives have less fluctuations in hormonal balance due to ovulation, so there are fewer fluctuations in voice quality.

Since the vocal cords are invisible from the outside, many people may not realize that they change as they age, but they age just like any other part of the body. The cartilage of the larynx, including the vocal cords

, increases in mineral content and hardens with age, and in the case of men, the flexibility of the vocal cords may begin to decrease from the 30s.

Not only the cartilage but also the muscles that move the vocal cords weaken with age, and the ligaments and surrounding tissues also lose flexibility. In addition, the secretory glands that produce mucus that protects the vocal cords are also reduced, and a decrease in air output due to reduced vital capacity may also affect voice quality, Taylor pointed out. Due to these factors, the human voice changes with age.

Although the vocal cords age at about the same rate in most people, certain lifestyles can increase the risk of damage to the vocal cords, resulting in changes in voice quality. For example, smoking and alcohol can cause localized inflammation of the throat, damaging the vocal cords and altering the voice. In addition, drugs such as inhaled steroids, anticoagulants, and muscle relaxants used to treat laryngitis can damage the vocal cords and change the voice.

In addition, singers, teachers, fitness instructors, etc., who are occupations that use the voice, may develop vocal cord polyps due to strong stimulation of the vocal cords, which may cause changes in the voice and range. As mentioned above, Mr. Taylor points out that there are various factors that change the human voice.

“There is nothing you can do about the changes in your vocal cords as you age, but you can maintain the quality and function of your vocal cords by continuing to use them,” Taylor said. Maybe that's why there's not much change.Singing or reading loudly every day is enough exercise to slow down the deterioration of the vocal cords.It's also important to take care of your vocal cords. Staying vigilant and avoiding alcohol and tobacco consumption can help prevent vocal cord deterioration and damage.'

in Science, Posted by log1h_ik