Foreign language learning service Duolingo removes LGBTQ+ references to comply with Russian law

It has been revealed that foreign language learning app
Duolingo helps you learn English with the help of LGM

Duolingo deletes LGBT references in Russia after warning from Moscow | Reuters
Language learning app Duolingo deletes LGBT+ references in Russia after warning from Moscow | The Independent
According to the Russian state news agency TASS, Roskomnadzor had inspected Duolingo for LGBT propaganda and had requested that it remove any content that violated the rules. Duolingo responded by removing any references to LGBT content.
A Duolingo spokesperson said: 'Duolingo supports LGBTQ+ rights and believes LGBTQ+ representation in our content should be the norm. Unfortunately, in Russia, law prohibits the inclusion of certain content. Duolingo's mission is to expand access to quality education around the world, and we are committed to maintaining access to Duolingo wherever it is legal.'
In Russia, there is a strong crackdown on movements to protect the rights of sexual minorities, such as LGBT people, and in 2013 the 'Law Prohibiting Homosexual Propaganda' was enacted, banning the promotion of homosexuality.
Russia passes law banning 'gay propaganda' - 5 photos International News: AFPBB News
Originally, the law was intended to prevent homosexuality, which is considered a 'non-traditional sexual relationship,' from having a 'negative impact on minors.' However, a 2022 revision expanded the scope of protection to include adults as well as minors, and LGBT propaganda is now completely prohibited.
Russia bans all 'propaganda' about sexual minorities... adults also banned: 'Protects the country's future from the darkness spread by the US and Europe': Yomiuri Shimbun
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