The overall occurrence rate of 'AI summary' in Google search results has dropped sharply from 84% to 15%, but it remains high at 63% in healthcare-related searches.

Google is testing '
BrightEdge Releases Post Google I/O Data on the Impact of
According to statistics from November 2023 to June 2024, the probability that a user will search for something and encounter an AI overview has plummeted from a peak of 84% to less than 15%. The way the AI overview is displayed has also become more modest, and as of June it is displayed in a collapsed state.
BrightEdge speculated that the reason for the modest display rate was likely to be to reduce the risk of giving an incorrect answer.
However, the appearance rate of AI Overview varies greatly depending on the search term, with it appearing in 63% of healthcare keywords, 23% of e-commerce keywords, and almost none of restaurant or travel-related keywords, BrightEdge noted.

Google search results sometimes display '
Meanwhile, keywords related to specific locations, such as 'where is my local coffee shop?' or 'where is the library in ____ city?', are least likely to result in an AI Overview. Searches for site-specific links are also less likely to result in an AI Overview. This is likely because site links are typically associated with brand terms, reducing the risk of Google serving up misinformation about the brand.

Though the AI Overview is now more modest, it appears to be more accurate, with BrightEdge noting that 'it appears to be more responsive to people's needs, whether that be by displaying summaries or engaging in conversations with users. In short, the AI Overview is getting better at choosing answers.'
In summary, BrightEdge stated, 'We are entering an era where AI will connect users with brands and websites. This represents the biggest paradigm shift marketers have faced in decades. For brands, creating content focused on following up with users so they can be cited as an authoritative, trustworthy source will be the new top priority.'
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