Three competing AIs, ChatGPT, Claude, and Perplexity, suffered system failures at the same time and became unavailable.

Three popular AI tools -- ChatGPT, the chatbot from OpenAI;

Claude , the AI assistant from Anthropic; and Perplexity , the chatbot from -- simultaneously experienced system crashes and became unavailable.

AI apocalypse? ChatGPT, Claude and Perplexity all went down at the same time | TechCrunch

On June 4, 2024, US Pacific Standard Time, ChatGPT experienced a major outage affecting users on all plans. According to OpenAI's service status tracker , all ChatGPT-related services were affected, but the issue did not occur on or the API. OpenAI reported that it began investigating the system outage at 00:21 on June 4 and resolved the issue at 04:45. Another outage then occurred at 07:33, but this new outage was fixed at 10:17.

When the system crashed, ChatGPT was unable to send text prompts.

When the system crash occurred, the ChatGPT website displayed the message 'ChatGPT is currently at capacity.'

Meanwhile, at the time of the outage, Claude's website displayed the following error message: 'An error occurred in rendering a server component. To prevent the disclosure of sensitive information, certain messages have been omitted from production builds. This error instance includes a digest property that may provide additional details about the nature of the error.' Claude recovered from the system outage at around 12:10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on June 4th.

Perplexity displayed a capacity overload message that appears when a service receives a large number of requests. The error message said, 'We will be back soon,' or, 'We are currently receiving many questions and have reached our capacity limit. Please come back soon.' Perplexity apparently recovered from its system failure at the same time as Claude did, but it has since experienced multiple system failures.

'It's unusual for three major AI providers to go down at the same time, and could point to a widespread infrastructure issue or internet-wide problem, like when multiple social media sites go down at the same time,' TechCrunch said.

TechCrunch also points out that 'the Claude and Perplexity outages were likely not due to a bug or vulnerability, but rather to a short-term influx of traffic caused by ChatGPT becoming inaccessible.'

At the same time, some people reported that Gemini , a Google chatbot, was also inaccessible due to a system failure.

There was some confusion on the Internet over the simultaneous system failures of three popular AI tools: ChatGPT, Claude, and Perplexity.

in Software,   Web Service, Posted by logu_ii