OpenAI announces multi-year deal with Wall Street Journal parent News Corp

On May 22, 2024, OpenAI announced that it would partner with News Corp, a media company that owns many media outlets including the Wall Street Journal, to prepare to introduce news content into OpenAI's AI products.

A landmark multi-year global partnership with News Corp | OpenAI

OpenAI, WSJ Owner News Corp Strike Content Deal Valued at Over $250 Million - WSJ

OpenAI will reportedly pay $250 million to put News Corp's journalism in ChatGPT

In making the announcement, OpenAI said, 'We are pleased to announce a historic, multi-year agreement to provide News Corp's news content to OpenAI. This partnership has the ultimate goal of providing people with capabilities based on trusted information and news sources. We have received permission from News Corp to surface content from News Corp in response to user questions and to enhance our products.'

News Corp owns well-known news media such as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Post, Barron's, MarketWatch, and The Daily Telegraph. It is unclear whether this content will be provided to OpenAI's chatbot ChatGPT or in some other way.

In addition to providing content, News Corp will share its journalistic expertise with OpenAI to help ensure the highest journalistic standards are maintained.

According to

a report from the Wall Street Journal, OpenAI plans to pay $250 million over five years.

Although the content was provided under a contract this time, OpenAI has a history of receiving backlash from some media outlets over 'content being used to train AI.' For example, in December 2023, the New York Times filed a lawsuit alleging that 'OpenAI trained its own content without permission.'

Major daily newspaper New York Times sues OpenAI and Microsoft for copyright infringement - GIGAZINE

Later, OpenAI signed deals with major news organizations such as the Financial Times, Associated Press, Axel Springer, Le Monde, and Prisa Media to introduce their news content to ChatGPT. With this latest deal with News Corp, OpenAI is now in the process of creating an environment where it can pay for the use of its content.

News Corp said: 'We believe this historic agreement will set a new standard for truth, virtue and values in the digital age. We are pleased to have found a partner in CEO Sam Altman and his trusted and talented team, who understand the commercial and societal relevance of journalists and journalism. This agreement is not the end, but the beginning of our beautiful friendship.'

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