It turns out that Slack is using messages and other information for AI training without users' explicit permission

It has been revealed that Slack uses user messages, data, files, and other content to train machine learning models. The privacy policy was changed in September 2023, but many users were unaware of it, and it has been pointed out that data was being used for training without explicit permission from users.

Slack Trains Some of Its AI-Powered Features on User Messages, Files | PCMag

Slack has been using data from your chats to train its machine learning models

Slack under attack over sneaky AI training policy | TechCrunch

Slack users horrified to discover messages used for AI training | Ars Technica

High-performance AI requires high-quality, massive amounts of data, but experts have warned that training data may run out by 2026.

What is the 'data shortage problem' that will cause data used for AI training to run out by 2026? - GIGAZINE

For this reason, Adobe, which owns the video generation AI Firefly, is offering rewards to those who provide video materials.

Adobe offers rewards of up to 1,000 yen per minute of video to collect training content for video generation AI - GIGAZINE

On the other hand, platforms that allow users to post content are beginning to use that content for training purposes.

Photo sharing site 'EyeEm' announces that 'posted photos will be used for AI training' - GIGAZINE

Slack's privacy policy, revised in September 2023, corresponds exactly to this movement, stating that 'we analyze customer data (e.g., messages, data, files) sent to Slack to develop AI and machine learning models.'

On the other hand, the

Slack AI page states, 'Your data is yours. It won't be used to train Slack AI,' which doesn't seem to match the policy.

In response to these concerns, Slack announced that it had revised the wording of its policy on May 17, 2024.

How Slack protects your data when using machine learning and AI | Slack

Slack says it uses 'industry-standard, privacy-preserving machine learning techniques' and that its machine learning models are 'not trained to reproduce customer data.'

In addition, Slack AI is a product that utilizes large-scale third-party language models, and no Slack customer data is used to train these language models.

If you do not want your data to be used for training, you can opt out; however, if your data is being used by a company or organization, you will need to ask your Slack administrator to opt you out, as individual users will not be able to opt out.

in Web Service, Posted by logc_nt