Dropbox announces that it will abolish the ``provide as much storage as you need'' policy on the Advanced plan and move to a pay-as-you-go system

Online storage service Dropbox's 'Dropbox Advanced' plan has a policy of 'providing the team with as much storage as they need', but due to the fact that some users are consuming a large amount of storage, Dropbox announced that it will abolish the policy and move to a pay-as-you-go system.
Updates to our storage policy on Dropbox Advanced | Dropbox Blog

According to Dropbox, the 'Dropbox Advanced' plan is for enterprises, with a policy of 'as much space as you need' so that you don't have to worry about storage as your team grows. I'm here. Since the demand for storage differs for each company and team, it was recognized that the amount of usage was not uniform.
However, unlike the initial assumption, there are cases where non-enterprise users pool storage for uses such as virtual currency and mining, and some users even resell storage. These users consume overwhelmingly more resources than the original corporate users, and may even create a 'unreliable experience' for clients.
In response, Dropbox went back to the basics that ``Dropbox Advanced is a service that provides as much storage as is necessary to operate a legitimate business or organization, and does not provide unlimited storage for every use case.'' Since it is difficult to separate acceptable usage from unacceptable usage, we have decided to abolish the 'as much space as you need' policy and move to a pay-as-you-go model.

The policy revision will take effect on November 1, 2023, after which the Dropbox Advanced plan will provide 3 licenses and 15TB of shared storage, with 5TB of storage allocated for each additional license.
99% of Dropbox Advanced users with less than 35TB of storage per license will receive 5TB of shared storage credit for 5 years at no additional charge on top of the total storage used by their team. Is possible.
The remaining 1%, users using 35 TB or more of storage per license, can use shared storage 5 TB credits (up to 1000 TB) for 1 year at no additional charge. Also, Dropbox will contact you in the next few weeks to discuss options for securing the necessary storage.
For additional storage, from September 28, 2023 for new customers, from November 1, 2023 for existing customers, monthly contract for $10 per month for each additional 1TB or annual contract for $8 per month A dollar (about 1170 yen) is required.
Regarding the recent rapid increase in users who use it differently from the original purpose, Dropbox blurs out that ``the impact of similar policy changes made by other similar services'', but Bloomberg is Google's name. is out.
Dropbox Unlimited Storage Ends After Google Change - Bloomberg
According to Bloomberg, in May 2023, the words ``as much space as you need'' will disappear from Google Workspace's top plan, and some users will say, ``I have exceeded the storage limit, so I need to pay for additional capacity. ”It is said that a report has been posted to the social bulletin board site Reddit.
Google Workspace unlimited storage: it's over.
by u/skylabspiral in DataHoarder
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