Google unveils Android TV 14, bringing new energy modes, color correction, picture-in-picture accessibility features, and more

Google has announced the next version of Android TV, the OS for smart TVs, Android TV 14. Android TV 14, which is released in one step from Android TV 12, mainly includes improvements to power consumption and accessibility.
Android Developers Blog: Everything you need to know about Google TV and Android TV OS
Android 14 for TVs brings new energy modes, hopes of better apps
Android TV 14 arrives with a retooled Picture-In-Picture Mode
With Android TV 14, users can choose from three energy modes: the first is 'optimized mode,' which allows the TV to wake up through the network features of Google Assistant and Google Cast, and the second is 'energy boost mode,' which allows the TV to use Google Home, Google Assistant, and Google Cast online regardless of the TV's power state.
And a new 'Low Energy Mode' helps conserve power by taking all network functions except for critical updates offline when the TV is in standby.

Android TV 14 also introduces new accessibility settings, including color correction and text display options. Users can enable or disable these features using remote shortcuts, but there's no word yet on how they'll actually work. Google says that the behavior of some of these features may vary across TVs.
Google also announced that some models will support 'Picture-in-Picture' mode. This feature was originally scheduled to be released in 2023 as a new feature of Android TV 13, and was technically supported in all versions since Android TV 7 in 2016. Implementation had been postponed due to issues with the processing speed of the TV itself, but with the update to Android TV 14, it will be lifted on some models certified by Google, so it is expected that manufacturers of other models will follow suit in implementing picture-in-picture.
Picture-in-picture can be used in streaming apps, video conferencing apps and smart home apps, for example to stream a live feed from a security camera in the corner of your TV, and there is also a 'keep clear' API that prevents the picture-in-picture overlay from obscuring on-screen content.

In addition, Android TV 14 will also partially incorporate Google's AI, Gemini, which foreign media How-To Geek predicts will 'probably personalize the Android TV home screen based on the user's favorite actors and movies.'
Devices with Android TV 14 are expected to appear in the second half of 2024. However, since smart TV manufacturers tend not to make major updates to existing models, for example, people using smart TVs with Android TV 12, the current version at the time of writing, installed on their models will likely not be able to use Android TV 14, How-To Geek said.
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in Software, Posted by log1l_ks