Introducing the pendant-type AI gadget 'Pendant' that can record and summarize everyday conversations

The app ' Limitless ,' which can record conversations such as online meetings and summarize them using AI, was released on Monday, April 15, 2024. In addition, a pendant-type gadget called ' Pendant ' that extends the functionality of Limitless to everyday conversations has also been announced.


Pendant FAQ | Limitless

Introducing Limitless: a personalized AI powered by what you've seen, said, or heard - YouTube

Limitless is an AI tool for online meetings that can transcribe and summarize conversations. It is available for Windows and macOS, as well as a web app, and can be used with any type of online meeting tool, including Zoom and Slack.

The Limitless screen is divided into four sections: 'Prep,' which displays background information for the meeting; 'Transcript,' which displays transcribed text in real time; 'Notes,' which summarizes the content of the conversation in real time; and 'Summary,' which summarizes the content of the conversation.

The Prep screen displays the 'meeting objectives' and 'meeting advice' derived from information in Gmail and Google Calendar.

The Transcript screen that displays the transcribed text in real time looks like this.

The Note screen displays the transcribed content in real time, organized by context.

After the meeting ends, a summary will be displayed on the Summary screen.

Limitless has a free plan and a paid Pro plan, with the Free plan allowing 10 hours of AI functionality per month and the Pro plan allowing unlimited use. The Pro plan costs $19 (about 2,900 yen) per month for an annual contract. At the time of writing, Limitless only supports English, but will be available in multiple languages in the future.

The Pendant is a device with audio recording capabilities that allows you to record everyday conversations and send them to Limitless for summary.

There are eight color variations: Purple, Green, Blue, White, Black, Lime, Pink, and Iridescent.

It has a built-in battery that can operate continuously for 100 hours, is 31.9mm wide and 16mm thin.

This is what it looks like when you hang it around your neck using the strap.

It can also be fixed directly to the collar or other parts of the body.

The Pendant will be priced at $99 (approximately 15,000 yen) and is scheduled to start shipping in the fourth quarter of 2024.

in Software,   Web Application,   Hardware,   Video, Posted by log1o_hf