The theory that the universe has a 'consciousness' and has made adjustments favorable for the birth of life is being seriously debated.
If you have ever been interested in the birth of life, you may have heard that the probability of life naturally arising in the universe is astronomically small, and that life would not have arisen if various physical conditions had been even slightly different.
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Those who support the theory that 'the universe has consciousness, and that consciousness has created the conditions for the birth of life' argue that the various scientific conditions surrounding the universe are too favorable for life to be dismissed as coincidence. For example, the nuclear force that binds protons and neutrons in atomic nuclei is a value of '0.007', but if this value was '0.006', only hydrogen would exist in the universe, and if it was '0.008', all hydrogen would have burned up in the Big Bang. In other words, the nuclear force is a value that is just right for the birth of life.
In addition, if the mass of the down quark , an elementary particle necessary for the existence of matter, were different, no compounds would exist in the universe. Or, if the mass of the electron were different, the universe would basically only contain neutrons, and no atoms or chemical reactions would occur.
These are 'indisputable facts of modern physics,' and the question is how to interpret them. Some people may accept that it is just a coincidence that the physical values are just right for life, while others may interpret it as 'these values were decided by some purposeful designer.'
Goff points out that the odds of all these physical laws being favorable for the birth of life are astronomical: 'Imagine flipping a coin 70 times and getting heads every time, or rolling a dice and getting a six every time. No one would say that's a coincidence. Beyond a certain probability, it's not reasonable to say it's a fluke. In other words, this is not a coincidence, and the numbers in physics are what they are because they're favorable for life. In other words, at a fundamental level, physics has a certain 'directionality' towards life.'
The theory that 'the universe has some kind of consciousness and has fine-tuned various physical values with the purpose of giving birth to life' conflicts with both religions that say that gods created the Earth and humans from scratch, and atheism, which says that no will was involved in the emergence of the universe or the birth of life.
'If God were all-knowing, all-powerful and all-good, we would not be able to explain why there is so much suffering in the world and why he would have gone through a process of natural selection to produce humans,' Goff said. 'And if there is no regulation of the universe, we would not be able to explain why the physical conditions are optimal for life.'
'Traditional religion and secular atheism both fall short and fail to explain parts of reality,' Goff says. 'There's a middle ground that gets ignored, and that's the idea that there's a 'universal purpose', a kind of 'goal-directedness' at a fundamental level of reality, that you can have meaning here without a traditional God.'
There are various theories other than 'the universe is conscious' as to why the various conditions in the universe are favorable for the birth of life. However, the theory that 'God exists but is powerless to create the current universe' is not convincing, and the theory that 'this universe is merely a simulation by a higher being' cannot explain how that higher being was created.
There is also the theory that 'there are countless universes in different dimensions, and this universe just happens to be suitable for the birth of life.' However, the only universe that can actually be observed is the one here, but the idea that there are countless universes (trials) behind it is a type of bias called
After examining these various hypotheses, Goff argues that the most plausible theory is that the universe has consciousness, based on the idea of ' Occam's razor ,' which states that one should not make more assumptions than necessary to explain a particular matter. Goff believes that if we think that humans exist as part of a larger purpose aimed for by the consciousness of the universe, we can find more meaning in life.
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