What is the new theory that the universe continued infinitely before the Big Bang, pointing out that 'the universe never started'?

In the general theory of relativity, the universe occurred about 13.8 billion years ago

the Big Bang , but has been was able, in the general theory of relativity has been condensed to one point the universe before the sudden expansion in the Big Bang ' singularity I can't explain. Scientists working on this issue proposed an approach on September 24, 2021, stating that 'the universe has no beginning in the first place.'

[2109.11953] If time had no beginning

What if the universe had no beginning? | Live Science

Modern physicists use two theories, quantum mechanics and general relativity, because no theory has appeared at the time of writing that can elucidate everything from the microscopic world smaller than an atom to the vast universe. Quantum mechanics describes three of the four forces that exist in nature: electromagnetic force, weak force, and strong force, and the general theory of relativity describes the remaining one, gravity.

Einstein's theory of general relativity, published in 1915, is an important theory that is said to have '

changed the way we look at the universe,' but there are some imperfections. The problem is that we cannot explain the 'singularity' of the infinite energy region at the center of the black hole or at the point where the universe is said to have started.

To unravel the mystery of singularities, physicists are looking for quantum gravity theory that unifies quantum mechanics and general relativity, and there are various theories such as superstring theory and loop quantum gravity theory. One of them is the theory of causal sets, which is being studied by Bruno Bent, a physicist at the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom.

In the causal set theory, unlike the general theory of relativity, which considers space-time to be continuous, time and space are considered to be made up of discontinuous 'space-time atoms'. From this point of view, just as an image cannot be divided into smaller than one pixel, an object cannot be packed into a region smaller than a space-time atom. In other words, there is no big bang singularity where everything in the universe is packed in one point.

by NASA Universe

Causal sets theory can be used to explain the problem of the singularity of the Big Bang, but instead raises the question, 'What was the universe before the Big Bang?' In a paper published in collaboration with Imperial College London researcher Stub Zarrell, Bent, who challenged this mystery, said, 'From a classical point of view, the universe is nothing but a series of causal relationships. It has grown to its present form, but our theory is that causality continues indefinitely toward the past, so something must have happened before something happened. In other words, there was no beginning of the universe in the first place. '

According to the research results of Mr. Bent et al., The universe did not start with the Big Bang, but always existed long before that, and it is interpreted that 'it just happened to be the current figure due to the explosion of the Big Bang'. It's hard to say that there is no beginning, but Mr. Bent said, 'There are many things that make you think that it is science fiction or fantasy in reality, not just this story.'

in Science, Posted by log1l_ks