It turns out that a data broker has acquired a media license to take advantage of a loophole in EU law that ``media is exempt from GDPR regulations''

Data brokers have been found to be abusing the '

freedom of press ' provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and circumventing data protection obligations under strict privacy laws. . These companies appear to be taking advantage of Swedish law, which makes it easy to obtain media licenses.

Swedish data brokers claim journalists' legal protection to evade EU law

According to noyb, a non-profit organization seeking to correct the GDPR, companies such as Sweden-based data broker MrKoll are circumventing the GDPR based on Swedish law. According to noyb, anyone in Sweden can easily obtain a media license, and even if their business has nothing to do with reporting, they can call themselves a media company.

Article 85, the 'freedom of the press' clause in the GDPR, allows some restrictions to be imposed in the field of journalism, but the current situation is that the personal data of millions of people can be bought and sold without their knowledge. It is said that even private companies that are currently operating are exempt from GDPR obligations.

Noyb points out that a company called MrKoll holds data on almost all Swedish citizens, and sells data such as names, dates of birth, phone numbers, addresses, etc. to companies that need it. In fact, there have been cases where MrKoll refused to delete data using GDPR as a shield.

noyb has filed a complaint in Sweden challenging MrKoll. Stefano Rossetti, data protection lawyer at noyb, said: 'The business model of data brokers like MrKoll has nothing to do with journalism. On the contrary, they sell personal data online and sell it to anyone who is interested. 'By providing this information, they are putting people at risk. Swedish authorities must finally put an end to the abuse of this law, which was originally designed to protect journalists.' said.

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