As the crisis of losing jobs due to AI approaches, I checked the ``occupations that really disappeared in the past''

As AI advances, the fear that

AI will take over most of human jobs is becoming a reality. Even before the advent of AI, humans faced many technological innovations such as the ``invention of the steam engine'', ``invention of electricity'', and ``invention of the computer'', but each time many jobs became unnecessary and disappeared. There is a page on the English version of Wikipedia that summarizes such ``occupations that disappeared due to changes in social conditions''.

Category:Obsolete occupations - Wikipedia

At the time of article creation, 183 occupations were registered on the English version of Wikipedia's page summarizing ``occupations that have disappeared due to changes in social conditions'', so I picked up some interesting ones.

◆Telephone operator
For a while after the invention of the telephone, in order to make a call, it was necessary to first connect to a telephone exchange where a telephone operator was stationed, and then have the telephone operator connect the line. However, as telephone exchanges became more mechanized, the job of a telephone operator became unnecessary.

Before computers became widespread, companies and research institutions relied on calculators to perform complex calculations manually. However, with the spread of computers, calculators became unnecessary. Japan's first domestically produced computer was

the FUJIC , which was developed by Fujifilm's Bunji Okazaki for lens design, and there is also an episode in which a woman who worked in calculations helped Bunji Okazaki develop the computer.

◆Knocker Up
A '

knocker up ' was an occupation that provided wake-up services, and was responsible for knocking on the client's window or door to wake up the client at a specified time. The occupation of knocker-up remained in England and Ireland until the 1920s, but it disappeared with the spread of alarm clocks.

Before electric lights became widespread, gas lamps and oil lamps were used as street lights. These streetlights were turned on and off manually by

lamplighters . Nowadays, when electric lights have become widespread, only a few lamplighters remain to maintain the gas lamps that are preserved for tourism.

Many people have probably seen stenographers recording the statements of members of Congress by hand during live broadcasts of the Diet. Stenographer is an occupation that still exists at the time of writing, but due to the movement to switch to a recording method using voice recognition, it is listed on the English version of Wikipedia's ``Occupations that have disappeared due to changes in social conditions'' list page. Registered. In Japan, the House of Councilors has decided to abolish shorthand in the chamber on November 28, 2023. On the other hand, the House of Representatives has stated that there are no plans to abolish shorthand, as it emphasizes speedy reporting.

In addition, in the video below released by the Recording Department of the House of Representatives, you can see the actual stenography performed by a stenographer.

[House of Representatives Recording Department] Diet Stenography - YouTube

◆Occupations that are likely to disappear in the future
As of 2015, Nomura Research Institute has announced ``100 occupations that are likely to be replaced by artificial intelligence, robots, etc.'' and includes ``general office clerks,'' ``receptionists,'' ``bank tellers,'' and ``security guards.'' ” and ``cashier,'' which are familiar occupations that are likely to be replaced by AI. You can check the list of 100 types of occupations at the link below.

Summary list of 100 occupations that can be replaced by artificial intelligence, robots, etc. & 100 occupations that are unlikely to be replaced - GIGAZINE

by NASA Robonaut

◆Heated discussion on GIGAZINE's official Discord forum
In the following forum on GIGAZINE's official Discord server , there was a heated discussion starting with the topic, ``Is it acceptable for SNS posts to be used for AI learning?'' and ``How to interact with AI.'' The editor-in-chief of GIGAZINE also participated in the race from the middle and it was very exciting, so if you are interested, please take a look. Also, anyone can post in the forum, so feel free to comment!

• Discord | 'Is it acceptable for posts on SNS to be used for AI learning?' | GIGAZINE

in Software, Posted by log1o_hf