``CorsixTH'' review that adds new features such as high image quality and zooming for free to the simulation game ``Theme Hospital'' released in 1997

The hospital management simulation game 'Theme Hospital' released by Electronic Arts (EA) in 1997 has been changed to full HD high image quality, and has also been modified with unique changes such as adding custom levels and zoom functions. The software ' CorsixTH ' that can be added has been released. I was told that if I had the original game, I could modify it for free, so I actually tried it.

GitHub - CorsixTH/CorsixTH: Open source clone of Theme Hospital


The elements that CorsixTH adds are as follows.

・Custom levels and campaigns
・Full HD compatible
・Unique maps and levels
- Unlimited saves and 12 autosave slots
・Play your own music
・Option to delete destroyed rooms
・Improved game logic
-Full control of all hotkeys

First of all, to install CorsixTH, you will need the original 'Theme Hospital', so prepare a CD-ROM sold in the past, GOG.com or the EA version.

Next, open the CorsixTH release page and click on the version of your choice to download. This time I downloaded the ZIP file for Windows version 0.67.

Unzip the file and run CorsixTH.exe inside to start CorsixTH.

The original Theme Hospital had a fixed resolution of 640 x 480, and only a few shortcut keys could be used in-game.

On the other hand, CorsixTH can be changed from 640 x 480 to a maximum of 1980 x 1200, and many operations in the game can be performed with shortcuts.

This is what it looks like in the video. The basic game content is the same for both, but CorsixTH is somewhat easier to operate because you can use zoom and shortcut keys.

``CorsixTH'' review that improves 1997's ``Theme Hospital'' with high image quality and adds functions - YouTube

Theme Hospital is a hospital management simulation game in which the objective is to set up rooms, arrange equipment and personnel, and earn treatment fees from visiting patients to manage the business.

The tricky part is that the details such as whether the patient is feeling cold or thirsty are clearly displayed, so heaters and drink vending machines must be placed accordingly.

You have to manage the mood of not only the patient but also the doctor. Doctors who are in a bad mood are fired.

There is also a brutal option to ``drive the patient away.''

In campaign mode, once you have progressed through the game to a certain extent, you will move to the next hospital and start a new management.

CorsixTH not only allows you to play Theme Hospital in high resolution, but also supports many shortcut keys, which improves operability. In addition, CorsixTH is considering additional elements such as multiplayer in the future.

in Review,   Video,   Game, Posted by log1p_kr