A free tool ``BAT'' will be developed that allows you to easily measure the risk of burnout syndrome by simply answering questions

The psychometric properties of the Burnout Assessment Tool in Norway: A thorough investigation into construct‐relevant multidimensionality - De Beer - Scandinavian Journal of Psychology - Wiley Online Library

BAT scale scorer
Scientists Developed A Tool To Reveal Who's at Risk of Burnout, And It's Free : ScienceAlert
Burnout: identifying people at risk
Burnout syndrome has become a social problem, and Mr. Beer reports, ``About 13% of working adults in Norway are known to be at high risk of burnout syndrome.'' However, until now no detailed measurement tools or international standards have been developed that can be used in both clinical and research settings to identify people at risk of burnout.
Beer says that for people who are at high risk for burnout, if it's not addressed early, burnout can persist over a long period of time.
Therefore, Mr. Beer's research team developed BAT, a tool that can measure the risk of burnout syndrome, based on the data of 493 people who conducted the survey.
BAT allows you to objectively assess your risk of burnout and compare your score to the average score of workers in Austria, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Japan and the Netherlands.
Click the link below to use BAT.
BAT scale scorer

Click the 'Calculate your score' tab and click 'Begin'.

In response to questions such as ``Sometimes I get mentally tired while working'' and ``I think everything at work requires a lot of effort,'' the responses ``Never'', ``Rarely'', and ``Sometimes'' were answered. ),” “Often,” and “Always.” When you have answered to the end, click 'Next'.

Answer the second page in the same way and click 'Next'.
The same goes for the third page.

On the fourth page, you will be asked for your age and country of residence, as well as if you would like to allow your answers to be shared for research purposes. Enter your age above and select your country of residence: Austria, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Japan, or the Netherlands. When you have completed selecting data sharing, click 'Next'.

After a while, you will see two results. 'Standardized results' shows your own risk of burnout syndrome in Japan. The results are divided into five categories, from the top: ``risk of overall burnout,'' ``risk of cognitive dysfunction,'' ``risk of

The graph below compares your score with the national average.

NTNU psychologist Marit Christensen, a member of the research team, said: ``This tool only indicates the risk of burnout and does not provide a formal diagnosis or medical advice. We recommend that those who suffer from this condition should visit an appropriate medical institution for consultation.'
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