Review of “Relativistic Spaceship”, a website that allows you to experience a simulated space flight

A website called ` `Relativistic Spaceship '' has been released that allows you to experience a simulated spaceflight from the perspective of a spaceship. I actually accessed it and flew through space.

Relativistic Spaceship

When you access 'Relativistic Spaceship' from the link above, the following screen will be displayed.

The area is full of stars. You can change the brightness of the stars by dragging the 'BRIGHTNESS' bar at the right end of the screen. When the light was turned on, beautiful stars appeared clearly.

At the time of accessing the site, the spacecraft is stationary. If you want to change the speed, drag the 'ACCELERATION' bar on the left side of the screen.

Drag up to move forward, drag down to move backward.

You can look around and feel the vastness of outer space.

At the top left is displayed ``What percentage of the speed of light is it traveling at now?'' Note that spacecraft cannot exceed the speed of light.

'Relativistic Spaceship' is a site that satisfies the desire to enjoy the infinite space of outer space.

Review of ``Relativistic Spaceship'', a website that allows you to simulate space flight - YouTube

in Review,   Web Application,   Video, Posted by log1p_kr