Reports say Apple's self-driving car 'Apple Car' will be released in 2028

It has been reported for a long time that Apple has been working on its own car development project , but Bloomberg reports that the release of the company's original self-driving car ``Apple Car'' (tentative name) has been postponed to 2028.

Apple Car EV Set to Debut in 2028 With Limited Autonomous Driving - Bloomberg

Bloomberg: Apple targets 2028 release date for its own electric vehicle - 9to5Mac

Apple's self-driving car project ``Project Titan'' has been underway since around 2015. However, the project has faced repeated delays and changes in executives leading the project. Still, in 2021, Kevin Lynch, the company's vice president of technology, joined Project Titan and is leading the development of the Apple Car.

Vice president of technology who was involved in the development of Apple Watch joins Apple's self-driving car project - GIGAZINE

According to the latest report on Project Titan, Apple seems to have postponed the release of the Apple Car to 2028. Apple has already spent nearly 10 years developing self-driving cars, but Apple has decided that its original vision of ``developing a fully autonomous car without a steering wheel'' is ``unrealistic.'' It seems that.

Therefore, Bloomberg reports that Apple plans to offer limited self-driving capabilities, similar to what other electric car manufacturers such as Tesla offer. Similar to Tesla's Autopilot , Apple Car will provide an automatic driving function that can take over driving under driver supervision. This corresponds to Level 2+ in the classification of autonomous driving , but Project Titan initially aimed to develop an autonomous driving function equivalent to Level 4.

Of course, Apple may upgrade its autonomous driving capabilities through software updates over time and as the international regulatory environment changes.

According to Bloomberg, Apple's board of directors has put pressure on Apple CEO Tim Cook to decide whether to submit plans to ship Project Titan in 2023 or cancel the project altogether. According to reports, Project Titan has never produced a working prototype.

Apple-related media 9to5Mac said, ``It is clear that the lowered specifications for the self-driving function will allow Project Titan, led by Kevin Lynch, to further advance development, but the Apple Car will ultimately innovate.'' There are clearly doubts as to whether it will be a viable product.'

In fact, some employees within Apple are starting to voice critical opinions about Project Titan.

in Vehicle, Posted by logu_ii