The total R&D expenses of Amazon, Google, Meta, Apple, and Microsoft are more than the total of all Japanese companies and research institutions

Major technology companies such as Amazon, Google, Meta, Apple, and Microsoft spend huge amounts of money on research and development, and the total R&D expenditure of the five companies far exceeds Japan's gross research and development expenditure (GERD). .

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications | Information and Communications White Paper 2020 | Status of research and development expenses

Research and Development: US Trends and International Comparisons | NSF - National Science Foundation

Big Tech's Big R&D bill

The Reiwa 5th edition of the Information and Communications White Paper reports that the total amount of research and development expenses by Japanese companies, non-profit organizations, public institutions, universities, etc. in fiscal 2021 is 19,740.8 billion yen. The graph below is compiled by the U.S. National Science Foundation of the top 17 countries in terms of total research and development expenditure (GERD) in 2019. Although Japan is far behind the United States in first place and China in second place, it ranks third in the world. It can be seen that the company spends on research and development expenses.

The figure below is a ``diagram summarizing the top 10 companies that spent the most R&D expenses in 2022 among NASDAQ-listed companies'' created by

Trendline , which specializes in creating diagrams related to technology and business. You can see that the first place Amazon spends $73.2 billion (about 10.7 trillion yen), and the second place Alphabet (Google's parent company) spends $39.5 billion (about 5.77 trillion yen) in research and development expenses. .

According to Trendline, Amazon, Alphabet, Meta, Apple, and Microsoft's research and development costs will total $202 billion (approximately 29.5 trillion yen). In other words, just five companies, Amazon, Alphabet, Meta, Apple, and Microsoft, spend 1.5 times more on R&D than Japan as a whole.

In addition, the U.S. National Science Foundation reports that France's GERD in 2019 was $73,286.5 million (approximately 10.7 trillion yen). In other words, Amazon alone spends the same amount of R&D expenses as France, a member of the G7. In addition, Alphabet's R&D expenditure is $39.5 billion (approximately 5.77 trillion yen), which is higher than Italy's GERD of $39.2794 billion (approximately 5.74 trillion yen) and ranks 10th. PepsiCo also spends national-class research and development costs of 800 million dollars (about 117 billion yen), which is comparable to Nigeria's GERD of 829.5 million dollars (about 121 billion yen).

Furthermore, the Reiwa 5th edition of the Information and Communications White Paper states that ``Japan's R&D expenditures are on a flat trend, and the gap with the top major countries is widening,'' indicating that The current situation where the gap continues to widen is a concern.

in Note, Posted by log1o_hf