YouTube's parent company announced for the first time that YouTube's revenue is more than 1.6 trillion yen per year


Finally, Google's parent company

Alphabet, which was on the benchmark of $ 1 trillion in market capitalization (about 110 trillion yen), announced on February 3, 2020 the fourth quarter 2019 earnings report. Among them, the revenue of YouTube, a subsidiary of Google, was announced for the first time since 2006 when it was acquired by Google.

Alphabet Announces Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year2019 Results

Alphabet reveal YouTube, Cloud revenues for the first time

YouTube is a $ 15 billion-a-year business, Google reveals for the first time-The Verge

The following table shows Alphabet's revenue and its breakdown in millions.

The table below shows Alphabet's operating profit and net profit in millions of dollars.

Revenues for the fourth quarter of 2019 totaled $ 46,075 million (approximately ¥ 5 trillion) and net income was $ 10,671 million (approximately ¥ 1,160 billion). Advertising revenue was $ 37,934 million (4.1 trillion yen) in the fourth quarter of 2019, of which YouTube advertising revenue was $ 4,717 million (about 520 billion yen). This means that advertising revenue grew 30% year-over-year. This is the first time YouTube revenue has been disclosed since it was acquired by Google in 2006. In addition, it seems that the revenue from paid billing services such as

YouTube Premium is included in Google other (other).

In addition, the revenue of Google Cloud division, which is Google's cloud computing business, was also disclosed for the first time, accounting for $ 2,614 million (about 284 billion yen) in the fourth quarter of 2019. Revenue increased by approximately 53% year-on-year.


Mitchell Luo

Revenue for the full year 2019 is $ 16,857 million (approximately ¥ 1.66 trillion) and net income is $ 34.343 billion (approximately ¥ 3,740 billion). Google's advertising revenue was $ 134,811 million (about 14.65 trillion yen), of which YouTube revenue was $ 15,149 million (about 1.6 trillion yen). Revenue of the Google Cloud division is $ 8,918 million (about 970 billion yen). Compared to the data for 2017 and 2018, revenues in all departments are all rising steadily, and total year-on-year growth is about 18%, YouTube advertising revenue is up about 36%, Google Cloud is about 53% up Has become.

Approximately 10% of Alphabet's total revenue comes from YouTube's advertising business, and that percentage is increasing gradually from 2017 to 2019. Technology media The Verge pointed out that `` Google search advertising revenue has increased only about 15% from 2018, but YouTube advertising revenue has grown significantly with a 36% increase '', publishing YouTube revenue The purpose is to highlight the rapid growth of YouTube's advertising business.

by YTCount

According to CNBC of economic news media, 'Google's cloud business is competing with Amazon's AWS and Microsoft Azure, etc., and the transparency of revenue reporting is being improved.'

in Web Service, Posted by log1i_yk