The global distribution of 'ultra-rich people' with assets of 5 billion yen or more looks like this

With 100 million dollars (about 100 million yen) or more of the asset wealthy layer go further on of is called the 'super-wealthy'. The graph 'Grobal Wealth ' that summarizes how many ultra-rich people, who are estimated to have more than 100,000 people in the world, live in which countries in the world has been released.
Where are the super-rich based? | Wealth Report 2018
The World's Ultra-Wealthy Population, in One Chart
There are statistics that there are 16 million 'Millionaires' in the world with assets exceeding 1 million dollars (about 100 million yen), but among them, super wealthy with assets exceeding 30 million dollars (about 3.3 billion yen) The number of people is about 160,000, which is only the top 1% of the wealthy people. The orange area slightly visible at the top of the pyramid below is the area of the selected ultra-rich class.

According to the graph below compiled by British real estate consulting firm

Asia has the second largest number of ultra-rich people after North America, with 35,800 people. Japan has the highest number of 9960 people in Asia, but it is thinned out by China (8800 people), which is in second place. The color coding of the graph area shows that the darker the blue, the higher the growth rate, so you can see that China, which is darker than Japan, is catching up with Japan. Even so, it is surprising that there are 5,140 ultra-rich people living in Hong Kong, which has an area as small as Awaji Island in Japan.

The third force is Europe with 35,180 people. It can be seen that Germany (8070) in 1st place and France (5240 people) in 2nd place are on a growth trend, while only the United Kingdom (4580 people) in 3rd place is on a slowdown trend.

Looking at the number and growth rate by region, we can see that the growth rate in Asia is 15%, which is outstanding among the top. In addition, Latin America (20%), Russia and CIS (26%) are catching up with high growth rates.
Looking at each country further, the United States (38,500 people) still ranks first, accounting for 29.7% of the total. Japan (9960 people) ranked second, with an overall ratio of 7.7%. After that, China (8800 people, 6.8%), Germany (8070 people, 6.2%), and Canada (5500 people, 4.2%) follow, but when Hong Kong (5500 people) is added to China, it becomes 14,300 people2. The situation is that we will jump to the top spot.

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in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log