I played the PC game ``Turing Complete'' that allows you to learn with easy operations from the basics to applications of theoretical circuits such as ``Assemble a CPU from a single NAND element''

Even if you want to learn computer theory, there are many people who have given up because they were overwhelmed by the high hurdles, such as having to read complicated technical books or take courses. ' Turing Complete ' is a game that allows you to easily learn the basics of computer theory and programming. This time I was curious about what kind of game Turing Complete was, so I actually tried playing it.

Steam:Turing Complete


Turing Complete is available on Steam and can be purchased from the link above. The selling price is 2050 yen. Below is the launched screen, click 'Play Campaign' to start playing.

Turing Complete is a game where the main character is kidnapped by aliens and takes an intelligence test in order to survive.

Let's start with the tutorial. Follow the on-screen instructions to 'Turn off the input component by clicking the green icon under 'Input'' and click the icon.

Then, the 'Input' icon turned red and the circuit was turned off. Along with this, the 'Output' icon has also changed to red. Now that it's clear, click 'Next Level' to proceed to the next tutorial.

Next, a tutorial on ' NAND gate ' will start. In this tutorial, we will understand the 'Output' when switching on and off two types of 'Input'.

As in the previous tutorial, click 'Input' to toggle it on or off. When you turn each 'Input' on or off, the color of 'Output' will also change, so click the '?' field at the bottom of the screen accordingly to indicate the same 'Output'. If 'Input 1' is on and 'Input 2' is off, 'Output' will be on, so click on the 'Output' field at the bottom of the screen to change it to a green icon.

When everything is completed, click 'Check'.

The alien praised him by saying, 'Correct!'

The last part of the tutorial is actually building a '

NOT gate '.

You can extend the circuit by dragging from the starting point.

Also, click 'NAND' in the upper right corner and place 'NAND' in the correct position.

When the circuit is completed, click 'Next' or 'Run' in the upper left.

It outputs results according to input on/off.

When the clear screen appears, click 'Onwards'.

The stage to proceed from now on is displayed. Cleared stages are green, yellow are uncleared stages, and red are unreleased stages.

Below is a video of building an '

AND gate '.

How to make an AND gate in the game 'Turing Complete' where you can learn computer theory - YouTube

Below is a video of how the ' NOR Gate ' was constructed.

I created a NOR gate with the game 'Turing Complete' where you can learn computer theory - YouTube

' OR gate ' looks like this. It is important to use 'NAND' and 'NOT' appropriately to solve the given instructions.

How to create an OR gate in the game 'Turing Complete' - YouTube

As you progress through the stages, you may be asked complex questions with 4 or more inputs.

Although it is possible to solve the problem using knowledge from previous problems, there may be cases where you simply do not know the answer. In that case, click '?' on the top left.

You will be asked 'Do you want to display the answer?', so click 'Yes'. Your browser will then automatically launch and a video showing the answer to the question will be played on YouTube.

As you advance through the stages, the problems become more and more complex. In the second half of the stage, you will be creating 8-bit circuits and registers, as well as creating a CPU. Turing Complete is easy to use, with only the mouse required for basic operations, but as you clear stages that are divided into smaller sections, you can gradually learn more and more complex computer theory.

In addition, Turing Complete is sold on

Steam for 2050 yen including tax.

Steam:Turing Complete

in Review,   Video,   Game, Posted by log1r_ut