Blue screen of death will be added as a new feature to Linux

If you've been using Windows for a long time, you've probably encountered a blue screen at least once. This blue screen is called the ``Blue Screen of Death (BSoD)'' overseas and is a subject of fear, but a new feature has been added to the Linux system management software group ``systemd'' that is equivalent to a blue screen. It has been revealed that the component `` systemd-bsod '' will be added.
Release systemd v255 · systemd/systemd · GitHub

systemd 255 Released With A 'Blue Screen of Death' For Linux Systems - Phoronix
systemd is a system management software group used by most major Linux distributions such as Ubuntu and Raspberry Pi OS. In version 255 of systemd, a component ``systemd-bsod'' has been added that has the same functionality as Windows blue screen.
Below is an excerpt from the systemd release notes that mentions systemd-bsod. systemd-bsod seems to have the ability to display error logs in full screen.
A new component 'systemd-bsod' has been added, which can show logged error messages full screen, if they have a log level of LOG_EMERG log level. This component is experimental and its public interface is subject to change.
Also, according to foreign media Phoronix, the error screen displayed by systemd-bsod will also include a ``QR code that allows you to access error details.'' However, systemd-bsod is an experimental component, and its interface may change during official implementation.
In addition, many other changes have been made in systemd version 255, such as adding the TPM2 policy management component ``systemd-pcrlock'' and ending support for ``split-usr''.
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in Software, Posted by log1o_hf