'Music-Map' shows you on a map 'People who like this artist might also like this'

There are many different artists in the world, so even if you try to find your favorite artist, there are so many that it can be difficult to find one that hits your spot. You can use Music-Map , a service that maps artists based on the preferences of users around the world, to search for similar artists.
Music-Map - Find Similar Music
Music-Map maps artists based on Gnod , a system that learns relationships by asking website visitors what they like and dislike. If many of the people who answered 'I like artist A' also answered 'I like artist B,' A and B are set as having a close relationship.
When you access ' Music-Map ', a search box will appear, so enter your favorite artist name and click the search icon.

A map will be displayed. The searched artist is placed in the center, and it is said that the closer the user is to the artist, the more likely the user will like them. In this case, it can be said that people who like '

Click on the nearby artist name.

Next, a map centered on the artist you clicked was displayed.

To search again, click on the artist name in the upper left.
A new search box will appear. You can search not only in English but also in Japanese.

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