Microsoft's Xbox and Inworld AI team up to create AI-powered game development tools for story and character creation

Microsoft has announced that it will partner with Inworld AI, which develops dialogue AI for games, to develop tools for creating characters, stories, and quests that appear in games.

Xbox and Inworld AI partner to empower game creators with the potential of Generative AI

Xbox partners with Inworld AI to build generative AI tools for game development

Microsoft is bringing AI characters to Xbox - The Verge

Inworld AI is a company founded in July 2021, and is developing a dialogue generation AI ``Inworld Studio'' that automatically generates conversation sentences for NPCs in games by applying large-scale language models. This Inworld Studio makes it possible to equip game NPCs with AI that responds to questions from players without the need for any code.

For example, in the movie below you can see how you talk to villagers in 'Minecraft'.

Minecraft Java SDK: Adding AI Characters with Inworld (ChatGPT alternative) - YouTube

In the video below, you can see a female character in Inworld Studio having a conversation with a personality and voice similar to Ellen Ripley, the main character of the 1985 movie Alien .

Ellen Ripley - Inworld Studio AI character system - YouTube

The partnership between Microsoft and Inworld AI is a multi-year agreement that will provide Xbox developers with multi-platform AI toolsets like Inworld Studio. This will allow game designers to explore more creative ideas, and it will also be possible to automatically generate characters, stories, and quests that interact with players based on game scenarios, dialogue trees, quests, etc. thing.

'At Xbox, we believe that creators can create even better games with better tools,' said Haiyan Tsang, general manager of game AI at Xbox, Microsoft's gaming division. This brings together Inworld AI's expertise in generative AI models for character development, Microsoft's cutting-edge cloud-based AI solutions including Azure OpenAI Service, Microsoft Research's technical insights, and the strengths of the Xbox team to revolutionize accessibility. We will come together,” he commented.

in Video,   Game, Posted by log1i_yk