I tried exercising while wearing the Pixel Watch 2 and the first generation Pixel Watch. Review, how has the usability and accuracy of the activity tracking function evolved?

Google released 'Google Pixel Watch 2' on October 12, 2023, which has enhanced collaboration with smartphones and AI functions. In
Google Pixel Watch 2 - Turn insights into improvements - Google Store
The board of Pixel Watch 2 while wearing it looks like this.

To use exercise tracking, swipe right three times and select your activity type. This time we will be walking, so tap the second icon from the left.

The measurement will now begin. This operation is the same for both Pixel Watch 2 and Pixel Watch.

So, I actually wore it and walked for about an hour. The one on the left is Pixel Watch 2, and the one on the right is Pixel Watch. Pixel Watch displays three things: number of steps, distance walked, and heart rate, whereas Pixel Watch 2 allows you to see four things from the top: distance, number of steps, heart rate, and time since start, and on the left side. Also displays heart rate zone bars that represent exercise intensity.
Display items can be customized for both models. The following is the screen, and you can see that the Pixel Watch (right) has 3 display slots, while the Pixel Watch 2 (left) has 4 display slots. As a result, Pixel Watch 2 allows you to check your condition during exercise in more detail.
From here, we will check the data collected by the smart watch after walking. To view the data, tap the red frame icon.

The left is Pixel Watch 2, and the right is Pixel Watch data. The number of steps was 5496 steps with Pixel Watch 2 and 5533 steps with Pixle Watch. There is a difference of 37 steps after walking for about an hour, so it can be said that there is not much difference in the accuracy of the pedometer.

The Pixle Watch series can also detect going up and down stairs. There is a difference between the 5th floor and the 4th floor, but the actual number of floors climbed and descended is '5', so Pixle Watch 2 was more accurate in this regard.

The walking distance was 4.51km for Pixle Watch 2 and 4.55km for Pixle Watch, a difference of 40m.

The calorie consumption is 1324kcal for Pixle Watch 2 and 1285kcal for Pixle Watch. While Pixle Watch measured more steps and walking distance, Pixle Watch 2 displayed more calories burned. I don't know which one is correct, but the Pixle Watch 2 was more accurate in detecting going up and down stairs, which may have affected the calories burned.

The data collected by Pixle Watch can be checked from your smartphone by linking it with the Fitbit app.

With Fitbit, you can view information such as steps taken, distance walked, floors climbed and descended, as well as health data such as heart rate.

If you subscribe to the paid Fitbit Premium, you can also use services such as stress management. Please note that only one device can be linked with your Fitbit account, and you cannot register two devices.

By comparing Pixel Watch and Pixel Watch 2, we found that Pixel Watch 2 is able to measure data in more detail and accuracy while maintaining its usability. In the following article, we will check the most important points when using a smartwatch, such as battery life and charging speed.
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