What is the 'Techno-Optimist Manifesto' that Netscape's founder proposes that 'hindering the progress of AI is a kind of murder' and is critically optimistic about the future led by technology?

Marc Andreessen, developer of Netscape Navigator, the browser that dominated the early web, and founder of venture capital Andreessen Horowitz (a16z), announced the ``Techno-Optimist Manifesto'' on the official website of a16z. The statement, which resembles a prose poem and begins with the phrase 'We are being deceived,' spells out the prospect that the development of technologies such as AI will improve human life, and multiple media outlets have commented on it, with both pros and cons. We are reporting the announcement of this declaration.

The Techno-Optimist Manifesto | Andreessen Horowitz


Marc Andreessen's 'Techno-Optimist Manifesto': Prometheus, Nietzsche, and AI | Fortune

Marc Andreessen Manifesto Says AI Regulation “Is a Form of Murder”

Marc Andreessen's 'Techno-Optimist Manifesto' – Pixel Envy

Mr. Andreessen's Techno-Optimist Manifesto consists of 15 items, including ``lies,'' ``truth,'' ``intelligence,'' ``the meaning of life,'' ``enemies,'' and ``the future.'' He explains the importance of technology from the perspective of each item. That's what I preached.


FORTUNE Global Forum

For example, in the first item, 'Lies,' Andreessen says, 'We are being fooled. Technology is taking our jobs, lowering our wages, threatening our health, destroying our environment, and degrading our societies.' 'We are told that we are on the verge of destroying everything, corrupting our children, degrading our humanity, threatening our future, and destroying everything.'

On the other hand, the next ``truth'' states that ``Our civilization was built on technology,'' and ``Technology is the glory of human ambition and achievement, the engine of progress, and the realization of our potential.'' 'It's time to once again raise the flag of technology.' The time has come to become

For techno-optimists, Mr. Andreessen believes that society either continues to progress or collapses, and while positioning technology as a source of progress on par with population and natural resources, he argues that due to population decline and the finiteness of resources, there is a 'permanence' in society. Technology is the only source of global growth.'

Specific examples of technology include various technological developments, from lighting to combat darkness, to air conditioning to withstand heat and cold, to the Internet to seek connections, to the invention of vaccines to fight pandemics. However, one thing that Mr. Andreessen places particular emphasis on is AI.

In the 'intelligence' section, Mr. Andreessen said, 'We believe that artificial intelligence is our alchemy, our philosopher's stone,' and said, 'We believe that artificial intelligence is our alchemy, our philosopher's stone.' He claimed that AI can save lives in a variety of ways, including preventing comrades from fighting each other in war.

While some debates surrounding AI suggest that AI development should be

slowed or halted due to concerns about the technology, Andreessen said, ``We believe that slowing down AI will cost lives.'' 'In other words, a death that could have been prevented by AI that could have existed had it not been stopped is a form of murder.'

However, he does not believe that AI will create a utopian society, saying, ``We are not in a utopia, but rather in the words of economist Brad DeLong, ``leaning forward toward a utopia.'' 'I believe that by doing the best that humankind can do, the situation will gradually improve.'

Multiple media outlets responded to this declaration released by a prominent figure in Silicon Valley. For example, the business magazine Fortune notes that Mr. Andreessen quotes Nietzsche's idea of the superman , saying, ``Roughly simplified, Nietzsche's concept of the superman means ``where God used to sit cross-legged.'' 'Machines will take over and humans will be able to decide our own destinies.' This belief was undeniably powerful, but the tragedies of the 20th century also highlight its dangers. Andreessen partially hinted at the dangers of communism by repeatedly denouncing it.''

Also, foreign media outlet 404 Media said, ``It is true that Mr. Andreessen and other venture capitalists at the top of the technological food chain stand to gain the most from limiting the conversation around AI.'' He pointed out that Mr. Andreessen's defense of AI is a position talk as an investor.

Nick Heer, a Canadian front-end developer, wrote in a blog post, ``If you cut back on the details, everyone can agree that progress is good and regression is bad, but Andreessen's essay The key point of ``market principles should take precedence over prudence'' is a dark and pessimistic worldview.For example, Mr. Andreessen writes that what hinders the development of AI is murder, but when people die in traffic accidents caused by autonomous vehicles, 'It doesn't mention the death that comes from lack of oversight,' he concluded, concluding that it was little more than a common refrain from venture capitalists.

in Note, Posted by log1l_ks