'GIGAZINE Manga Award' recruitment begins in October 2023 & special making-of of manga that will be useful when you are worried about manga production has been released

The GIGAZINE Manga Award accepts works through monthly recruitment and monthly review. GIGAZINE not only serializes manga, but also provides making-of manga where you can enjoy the making of the manga and learn the know-how to bring out the charm of the work. The making is distributed only to

GIGAZINE Secret Club (GSC) members, but since there are some useful hints for manga production, we have specially released some of them as `` Manga treasured making that gives you hints for production '' . If you're thinking, ``I want to make the story even more appealing,'' or ``I've completed my manga, but how can I brush it up?'' please check this out before applying.

Check out the manga works and comics currently being serialized below!

Read “It’s a Gas Shop!!” Episode 1 “I’m Kiyu Kayo, the new employee at the gas shop!”

Read “The Secret Palace” Episode 1 “Loneliness, Beautiful Girl, and Android”

Vampire x Maid x Garlic Gourmet ' Master, Garlic Smells! ' Comics are available below!

Check out the comic about the funny and cute relationship between a young lady and her childhood friend, “

Anyway, Ijimetai Asahina- san” below!

Check out the “ Ameame Fure Fure Usoyande ” comic, which depicts two weeks between a girl who loves the rain and a boy who is cursed by it!

◆Click here for application guidelines for “GIGAZINE Manga Award”

I have already read the recruitment requirements, so I applied anyway! If so, please use the application form .

◆Send your portfolio and apply for drawing staff, name composition staff, and drawing help

◆Click here for recruitment guidelines for original scripts in the form of novels and screenplays.

◆Treasure making of manga that gives you hints on production
In the manga `` It's a gas shop!! '' currently being serialized on GIGAZINE, in conjunction with the release of the manga, questions such as ``Why did you change the name like this during production?'' and ``What are you trying to do to make the work more appealing?'' A making-of video with explanations such as 'What?' is also available. The making-of commentary is a treasured resource exclusive to GSC members, but this time I've excerpted some that may be useful for manga production. I would be happy if you could use it to create your work.

The first thing I would like to focus on is the 1st page of the 1st episode. The first page is the one that is read most often and is the first page that represents your work, so it needs to be carefully considered. In the initial draft of ``It's a Gas Shop!!'', the first page included a cover illustration, and the introduction to the main story was ``a man giving a quote,'' as shown on the left in the image below. This is also an introduction that shows the work as a 'work item', but in order to make the picture more attractive and to convey the fact that it is a 'gas shop', the format is 'main characters starting work' as shown in the middle of the image. change. Also, since too much information on the first page can make people hesitate to read it, we have devised a way to reduce the text a little, as shown on the right of the image.

As important as the first page is, so is the last page. The image below on the left is the final page plan in progress, which calls for ``delivering flowers to customers who have signed a contract.'' The reason this was changed was that it ended too neatly. In the case of serialized manga, it is necessary to pave the way for the story to continue, rather than having a punchline that is too neat. Therefore, by creating the image as shown on the right, ``On the way home, the next job request comes in, and the character is shown crying a lot'', the punch line leaves an impression that ``It will continue from here!'' It is designed to be.

Also, the 'turn' part of the beginning, development, and conclusion is important. The image below on the left is a scene where the main character, Kiyu, receives an angry complaint from a workplace he visits, complaining that the new equipment is dented. Since this is a turning point scene where Kiyu experiences failure for the first time, the scene has been changed to emphasize Kiyu's 'huh' reaction even more. In this way, even though the plot itself is exactly the same, by carefully devising the parts that move the emotions, the appeal of the work is sure to increase.

It is easy to pay attention to the ``turn'' parts where the story moves a lot during production, but you also need to be careful about the other ``parts where the story progresses''. For example, in

episode 4 , there is a scene in which someone is ``delinquent on gas bills'' or ``escapes at night,'' but in the initial draft, the story was ``a senior perfectly responds to the phone calls that come into the office.'' Therefore, except for the part where there is an explanation as shown on the left of the image below, the scene continues to be ``exchanging on the office phone''. If the location remains the same and there is no movement, the story can be interesting but boring, so in the revised proposal, ``movement'' has been added in which Kiyu actually goes to the scene and deals with the gas outage.

``I'm a Gas Shop!!'' is characterized by Kiyu's hard work as a novice, but also the realistic and detailed information about the work of a gas shop written by an author with experience in the real job. However, the ideal situation for scenes depicting this kind of information would be, ``You can enjoy the story without reading it, but if you read it, you'll get some trivia and it'll be more interesting.'' Therefore, the author changed the name on the left of the image below, which contained too much information, into a format that fits naturally into the episode, saying, ``An experienced person teaches Kiyu, a beginner, like a quiz.'' I am. When describing settings and information, it would be a good idea to take the reader's perspective and pay attention to things like ``Is the information the reader would want to read?'' ``Is it easy for the reader to understand?''

Finally, pay attention to the color expression. In the image below, the image on the left is before the correction, and the image on the right is after the correction, and you can compare them by sliding the bar. In color illustrations, if the background saturation is too bright or too bright compared to the main character you want to convey, it will be difficult to understand the main character. Keeping this in mind, on the following pages, the background in the first and second frames is made lighter to make the characters stand out, and in the third frame, the gas cylinder in the background is emphasized more than the character in the foreground. Added an effect that increases the saturation of the background and blurs the focus on the character.

There are other benefits such as being able to read various making-ofs and treasured materials, and access a bookshelf where you can read as many manga as you like at any time, so if you are interested, please check out

the GIGAZINE Secret Club . The making of 'Gasya de~su!!' is summarized as ' Commentary on the making of manga/illustrations' in 'Useful articles for creators ' on manga.gigazine.net , so please check it out there as well. .

◆“GIGAZINE Manga Award” application guidelines

・What if you serialize your manga on GIGAZINE?
・Completely remote & work timings up to you

・The serialized manga will be published on GIGAZINE, so you can read it first.

・Easy to schedule without strict deadlines

・No restrictions on genre or target, anything is OK as long as it's interesting

・Equipped with an assistant who can take care of coloring and backgrounds (no need to pay your own expenses)

・Since the label is still young, it is easy to receive opinions and requests like a venture company!

・For those who are worried about working as a freelancer, such as ``I don't have any knowledge about laws or taxes, is that okay?'' or ``What is it like working with an editor for serialization?'' We have

published ``Guidelines for creating an environment where freelancers can work with peace of mind''. Please take a look at the Q&A that summarizes the points you may have questions or concerns about.

etc. If you have any other questions, please click here and contact us with any questions.

・Basic conditions:
・It is assumed that it can be read on a smartphone (no two-page spread, vertical scrolling standard)

・Full color, full digital (black and white may be treated as an 'original work', but applications are welcome)

The completed manuscript of 'Episode 1' and its making materials must be of any genre. For making-of materials, please send character designs, settings, and a synopsis of the entire story in approximately 200 to 800 characters. Please note that if there is insufficient content in your application, the review may not proceed.

・Manuscript format:
Please refer to ' Princess and Gamer ' for aspect ratio, file size, and resolution.

・Number of manuscripts:
freedom. Any number of pages is OK.

- Original works that have already been published on other media or platforms are OK.

・We also accept works that were published in magazines but were not published in book form or were discontinued due to unforeseen circumstances. Please do not give up.

·The deadline:
Tuesday, October 31, 2023, 23:59:59

・Examination process:

After the first round of selection by the editorial department, the following review process is planned. The review process and stages may change slightly, so we will send you a separate explanation and confirmation before the first stage review.

Stage 1: Evaluation in a closed environment that can only be viewed by GIGAZINE Secret Club members + evaluation including making materials by the editorial department

2nd stage: In a format more conscious of serialization, the necessary information such as the ``first episode manuscript'' and ``plot up to the final episode'' are additionally created for review. Once you've made it this far, you can almost guarantee that it will be serialized in some form.

Final stage: Manuscripts in serial format will be reviewed by the GIGAZINE Editor-in-Chief, evaluated by GIGAZINE Secret Club members, and judged by guests such as authors currently serialized on GIGAZINE, to determine the grand prize winner overall. We will also commit to serialization once it reaches the final stage.


All those who passed the first screening and were selected for the first stage:
Prize money 30,000 yen

Advance to the second stage:
Additional prize money of 20,000 yen + editor in charge for serialization

Those who advanced to the final stage:
Additional prize money of 50,000 yen (total of 100,000 yen) + promise of serialization after brushing up the submitted work at the time of advancing to the final stage

Winning or above:
Additional prize money starting from 100,000 yen + guaranteed serialization

Grand Prize:
Prize money: 1 million yen + guaranteed serialization of the submitted work as is

・Selection results of submitted works
For works that proceed to the first stage of screening, we will contact you via the email address you used when you applied with the details of the screening by the end of the month following the month in which you applied.
Please note that in other cases, we will generally not notify you of the screening results.

・Process after receiving the award
After it is published in serial format on GIGAZINE, it will be converted into an e-book and sold on Amazon. We will pay the prescribed manuscript fee and royalties for each. GIGAZINE will also be responsible for selling and promoting e-books.

・Question reception form:
If you have any questions about applying, please feel free to contact us by clicking here . If similar questions continue, we will compile them into a FAQ. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

・Manga Award application form:

Click here

◆Application for drawing/name composition/drawing help

・“Drawing only” application method:
All you have to do is show your portfolio URL and collection of works on the Manga Award application form . Please write ``I only apply for drawing'' in the ``Other'' column. There is no limit to the number of illustrations or manga for your portfolio, and there is no limit to how many illustrations or manga you need, but the more you have, the easier it will be to receive praise.

・How to apply for “Name composition person”
We are also looking for 'name composition' that uses the original script of the text as the name. As well as drawings, please send as much information as possible about your portfolio, the names of your past works, and your manga works.

・Judging flow for “Drawing only” and “Name composition”:
We will contact you by the month following the submission of the form for those that passed the first stage screening based on your portfolio, so we will ask you to actually draw a trial original in the second stage screening, and after passing the final stage voting screening. Turn it to

Passed the 1st stage portfolio screening and participated in the 2nd stage:
Prize money 50,000 yen
*Since this screening requires additional manuscript work, a stipend will be given to all those who advance to and participate in the second stage.

Winning a prize in the final screening:
Additional prize money of 100,000 yen + guaranteed serialization

Grand Prize:
Additional prize money of 200,000 yen + guaranteed serialization

*Due to the circumstances of the original script, we may not be able to immediately serialize your work, but we will give you a priority proposal and guarantee serialization.

・Procedure for applying for help:
We are also looking for help to help create full-color manga. Underpainting for characters, text placement, and background help are also welcome. You can participate only when you can from the comfort of your own home as it is completely remote.

・Conditions :
None in particular. Since the flow is ``if it is possible to work on it, select it from the task list and work on it'', so it is possible to not participate during busy periods.
Also, it is OK to participate as a helper, earn some money, improve your skills, and create original works and submit them for editing.

・Reward :
'Coloring Help' and 'Background Help' calculate hourly wages using work management software. The hourly rate will initially be set as a trial period, and from there it will increase depending on your work proficiency and the number of contributions you can make.
In the case of 'Name structure', the manuscript fee will be calculated per page.

・How to apply :
From the GIGAZINE Manga Award application form , please paste the URL where you can view the 'color manuscripts and portfolios you have worked on in the past' instead of the 'address/URL for downloading the work file'. Also, in the last column 'Other necessary information that we should know, etc.', please enter the appropriate information for 'coloring help', 'background help', or 'name structure'.

・Manga Award application form:
Click here

◆Original script recruitment guidelines

・In addition to the draft of the first episode , please also prepare the plot (synopsis) from the first episode to the final episode . Please write a detailed synopsis of the entire work in 100 to 800 characters on the first page of the manuscript.

・The first round of judging will look at the fun of the simple story and the degree of completion of the first story. If you advance from the second round to the final round, we will judge whether you can consistently create a fully written script until the final episode, with the intention of actually creating an original manga.

- If you are applying for 'original work only' and only text, you can paste the text into Google Docs and then write the shared link address in the application form. In that case, please do not edit the document after applying.

- Make sure Google's sharing settings are set to 'Everyone with the link.' If it remains 'restricted', you will not be able to read the submitted work. For more information, check out 'Share files publicly' in Google Docs Help .

All those who passed the first screening and were selected for the first stage:
Prize money 30,000 yen

Advance to the second stage:
Additional prize money of 20,000 yen + editor in charge for serialization

Those who advanced to the final stage:
Additional prize money of 50,000 yen (total of 100,000 yen) + promise of serialization after brushing up the submitted work at the time of advancing to the final stage

Winning or above:
Prize money 100,000 yen + guaranteed serialization

Grand Prize:
Prize money of 200,000 yen + guaranteed serialization of the submitted work as is

*Due to matching with the illustrator, we may not be able to get your work serialized immediately, but we will give you a priority proposal and guarantee serialization.

Click here for application form

The selection flow for the Manga Award includes 'GIGAZINE Secret Club (GSC) Closed Judging.' Whether you are a GSC member or not yet, please take this opportunity to become a member of GSC and witness the birth of future masterpieces. Click here to register for GIGAZINE Secret Club.

We look forward to receiving applications from all creators. thank you.

in Manga,   Pick Up, Posted by log1e_dh