Possibility of discovering an effective treatment for acne, which affects 800 million people worldwide

More than 800 million teenagers around the world suffer from acne, which is caused by the overgrowth of P. acnes, which is a normal bacteria on the skin. Researchers at the University of South Australia have reported that they may have discovered a way to effectively treat acne using the antibiotic Narasin.
Tiny nanocarriers could prove the magic bullet for acne sufferers - News and events - University of South Australia

Scientists Say Powerful New Molecule Could Be a Game-Changer For Acne : ScienceAlert
Antibiotic breakthrough for acne sufferers - YouTube
Acne is a common problem for teenagers around the world. Bacterial growth can be inhibited by using antibiotics and hormones that reduce sebum, which feeds microorganisms, but many of these methods either have side effects or become less effective as the bacteria adapt. .
Researchers from the University of South Australia, the University of Adelaide, and the University of Aix-Marseille in France have now shown that a new treatment using the antibiotic narasin is effective against P. acnes under laboratory conditions.
According to the research team, when Narasin is encapsulated in small, soft nanoparticles called nanomicelles, which are 1/1000th the size of a single human hair, and made into a gel, it can penetrate deeper into the skin than when mixed with water alone. That's what I found out. It seems that the degree of solubility improvement was more than 100 times.
The experiment used pig ear skin, and it remains to be seen how it will affect humans, but early signs are promising. Additionally, the therapeutic drug in gel form was stable for four weeks at room temperature.
Sanjay Garg from the University of South Australia said, ``Using nanomicelles for a compound solution that could not penetrate the skin layers, we were able to effectively deliver Narasin to the target area of acne.''
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in Science, Posted by logc_nt