``Pisara Serrano Pepper-Aging Salami Spicy Pizza-'' that sings ``Challenge to Spicy Lovers'' is a subtle spiciness that can be eaten even if you are not good at spicy food.

From Pizzala, ``Pizzala Serrano Pepper-Spicy Pizza with Aged Salami-'' using Mexican green pepper ``Serrano Pepper'', which is hotter than jalapeno, has appeared on Thursday, August 24, 2023. It was the most spicy pizza in the history of Pizzara, so I went to buy it while being scared, but when I tried it, it was a pizza that was very different from what I expected.

The hottest pizza in Pizzara's history is now available! 'Pizza La Serrano Pepper', a pizza that breaks the limit for spicy lovers, is now on sale! | Four Seas Co., Ltd.


Pizzara Serrano Pepper | [Pizzara] Introduction of special products for a limited time

It was 15% off when I took it home, so I went to pick up the finished pizza.

Takeaway completed.

Extra virgin olive oil, spicy herbs and red pepper are pasted on the lid.

Opened. This time, we ordered half & half, the left is normal 'Pizza La Serrano Pepper ~ Aged Salami Spicy Pizza ~', the right is for those who want to challenge even more spicy '[Double Chili] Pizza La Serrano Pepper ~ Aged Spicy salami pizza ~'.

In order to bring out the flavor and spiciness, the serrano pepper is said to be topping after baking the pizza. Normal has 3 pieces of serrano pepper per piece.

Doubling the chili pepper will increase the serrano pepper to 6 pieces.

Since the sauce and salami are not spicy, the impression that the first bite eaten from the acute angle side of the pizza is eating a very normal salami pizza. As you continue to eat from there, you will reach the serrano pepper, but since it is wrapped in dough and cheese, even if you have a crisp pepper-like texture, the spiciness will not spread immediately. After that, the spiciness slowly spreads in your mouth. There is no numbness to the point of being paralyzed. I thought that it might be because I was accustomed to spicy food, so I asked an editorial staff member who is not very good at spicy food to eat it, but he said, 'It's definitely spicy, but I can eat it.' There was no appearance of suffering from hotness. This product is ``the hottest pizza in the history of pizza'' and claims ``a challenge to lovers of super spicy'', but it makes you choked and you can't stop coughing, you want to tear off your tongue and throw it away, and you want to guzzle milk. It is not spicy, so please be aware in advance if you are looking for spicy.

'Pisara Serrano Pepper ~ Aged Salami Spicy Pizza ~' is 1980 yen including tax for P size, 2280 yen including tax for M size, and 3640 yen including tax for L size. '[Double chili peppers] Pizzara Serrano Pepper-Aging Salami Spicy Pizza-' is 2060 yen including tax for P size, 2380 yen including tax for M size, and 3800 yen including tax for L size.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by logc_nt