What was 'X.com' originally like?

Elon Musk, who acquired Twitter, is enthusiastic that the birth of 'X', a super app that combines financial payments and social media, will be accelerated by acquiring Twitter, and has announced various changes such as changing Twitter's brand name to 'X'. We are making reforms. Mr. Musk loves X so much that he even put the letter 'X' in the name of his company and his son, but we have to find out what Mr. Musk's company 'X.com', which can be said to be the origin of Mr. Musk, was like. You can check it from the archive.



Musk founded an online bank called X.com in 1999, but after it merged with software company Confinity , he was replaced as X.com's CEO by Confinity co-founder Peter Thiel. It will be. X.com was renamed PayPal after the service ``PayPal'' operated by Confinity, but Mr. Mask succeeded in buying back the X.com domain name in 2017.

Regarding the buyback, Musk said at the time, ``I'm grateful to PayPal for allowing me to buy back X.com.I don't have any specific plans at this time, but it has sentimental value to me.'' I did.

What kind of site was X.com at that time, as of March 1, 2000, is as follows. X.com is an online payment processing service, and the site has promotional claims such as ``Pay for online auctions for free and instantly!'' and ``No commissions, no minimums, no hassles.''

About Us says, ``When people hear about X.com, they often wonder why they chose such an unusual name for a financial services site. It's no-frills, just like our approach to financial services,'' and you can learn the meaning behind the X.

Mr. Musk has talked about plans to make Twitter ``the most valuable financial institution in the world,'' and has also said he wants Twitter to be like WeChat and TikTok. On the other hand, Mr. Mask has expressed the idea that he wants to make Twitter ``an all-inclusive app X,'' and there is a possibility that X will eventually include not only SNS but also other functions such as payment services. Please note that at the time of writing the article, X.com is redirected to twitter.com.

Twitter as a company has already disappeared , and on July 25, 2023, Twitter's blue bird logo will change to an X, and it has begun to undergo a full-fledged transformation. In addition, in response to a question about how the name of posts that were previously called 'tweets' will change as the service name Twitter changes to X, Mr. Musk replied 'X', but this name It is unclear whether it will be officially applied.

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