Changed to a policy that does not consider ``whether the applicant is related to the graduate'', which the prestigious Carnegie Mellon University had long included as one of the admission criteria

Universities in the United States publish a common data set of applicants' admission criteria. According to this public data, it has been known for a long time that the relationship between applicants and alumni is also related to the decision criteria, but the prestigious Carnegie Mellon University has changed its policy to not consider this criterion. It became clear.
Children, relatives of alumni no longer have admissions edge at Carnegie Mellon, Pitt |

In the United States, a 'Common Data Set (CDS)' that summarizes information such as what kind of things can be studied at universities and what kind of applicants are emphasized is created, and universities themselves Information is published on the official website.
Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania also publishes CDS, including past ones, on its official website.
Carnegie Mellon Common Data Sets - Institutional Research and Analysis - Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Planning - Carnegie Mellon University
The latest CDS from 2022 to 2023 looks like this.
Carnegie Mellon University Institutional Research and Analysis
(PDF file)

Basic information such as the name and location of the university, and the URL of the official website are posted to detailed information.

Page 7 is a question about new students. When asked about the 'relative importance of the following academic and non-academic factors in admission decisions,' the university responded with four options: 'very important,' 'important,' 'considered,' and 'not considered.' I'm here. Triblive, which deals with local information centered on western Pennsylvania, focused on the item 'relationship with alumni' among non-academic elements, and Carnegie Mellon University answered 'not considered'.

In the past, elite universities have never 'disregarded' the relationship of an aspirant to an alumni. Carnegie Mellon University also once said “Important”.
In response to an inquiry from Triblive, Carnegie Mellon University spokesperson Peter Curwin said, 'Applicants will be evaluated on the same basis regardless of their legacy status (including their relationship with the alumni). We do this to ensure fairness throughout the admissions process for all students.'
Mike Steidl, a former admissions officer at Carnegie Mellon University, told Triblive, 'I think there was a time when we needed a boost for legacy status, but over time the quality of the applicant pool has improved. , In fact, it has become so much that there is no need to boost it, ”he commented.
Similarly, the University of Pittsburgh will 'disregard' the relationship between incoming freshmen and alumni beginning with the 2022-2023 CDS.
According to Jared Stonecifer, a spokesperson for the University of Pittsburgh, CDS has been ``considering'' for the past few years, but in reality it has been ``not considering'' since 2020.
As a cause, Mr. Stonecipher cites the admission scandal that came to light in 2019. This commotion was that applicants who lacked ability as athletes were enrolled by bribing coaches, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation named 'Operation Varsity Blues' and conducted an investigation. 50 people were arrested, and the amount of money spent on bribery was over 600 million yen.

Like Carnegie Mellon University, California Institute of Technology and Massachusetts Institute of Technology do not consider legacy status, while Cornell University, Duke University, Emory University, Northwestern University, Princeton University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Rice University, Stanford Universities, St. Louis Georgia University, and so on.
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