A movie shot with a high-speed camera at the moment when the shape of the face deforms with 7.5G is released

The Slow Mo Guys , who has released slow motion images captured with a high-speed camera, such as the moment the glass breaks and the appearance of the bullets of the rifle flying, shows the change in the face when jumping on the trampoline with a high-speed camera. I am shooting.

When your Face Pulls 7.5Gs in Slow Mo-The Slow Mo Guys-YouTube

Mr. Gav and Mr. Dan of YouTuber 'The Slow Mo Guys'.

This time, we will shoot how the face changes when it receives strong gravity.

There are means such as 'boarding a fighter plane' to receive strong gravity, but since fighter planes are very expensive, we will use a trampoline this time.

In order to capture the face from the front, Mr. Gav attaches a handle and battery to the high speed camera '

Phantom '.

Mr. Dan was instructed to 'hold the camera firmly and not move it as violently as possible' and 'keep capturing the face as much as possible'.

I will try shooting at once.

Mr. Dan falls backwards and bounces.

Check the movie you shot.

Mr. Dan's face is very serious until he hits the trampoline.

However, when it bounces off the trampoline, the flesh on its cheeks undulates greatly, and its mouth is distorted into the letter 'he'.

Since the camera moved due to the impact of the bounce, I couldn't take a good picture, so next time I fixed the high-speed camera on a tripod and took a picture.

Mr. Dan disappears with a straight face.

When Mr. Dan bounced back, his face was greatly distorted. Both men burst into laughter when they saw this.

Next, using an application that can measure acceleration, measure the acceleration when jumping on the trampoline. 'Probably somewhere between 4G and 5G,' Dan predicted.

As a result of the measurement, it turned out that the maximum acceleration of 7.5 G occurred in this jump.

Mr. Dan says, 'If you go to a planet with a gravity of 7.5 G, your lips will be hanging all the time.'

in Science,   Video, Posted by log1r_ut