Twitter implemented a new design forced transition of 'TweetDeck', there is a strong possibility that it will be charged after 30 days, and the old version cannot be used

' TweetDeck ' is a web application provided by Twitter official, and you can display information on Twitter by arranging multiple panels such as 'Panel (column) displaying specific users' and 'Panel displaying only search results of specific words'. can be collected efficiently. TweetDeck has been

testing the new design since 2021, but when the new design was officially released on July 3, 2023, a forced transition to the new design was implemented. Twitter has suggested that TweetDeck will be charged in line with the official release of the new design version of TweetDeck, and it has also been confirmed that the old TweetDeck is no longer available.

About TweetDeck

The new design version of TweetDeck looks like this. In the case of the screen below, ``New tweets of GIGAZINE official account'', ``New tweets including the word ``TweetDeck'''' and ``Trend'' are displayed in order from the left.

The old TweetDeck also had a ``

function to manage one account with multiple people '', but at the time of writing the article, the new design version of TweetDeck does not have the same function. According to Twitter support, 'a function to manage one account with multiple people' will be re-implemented within a few weeks. In addition, Twitter support also states that ` ` To access TweetDeck, your account must be authenticated within 30 days, '' so to continue using TweetDeck, subscribe to the paid service `` Twitter Blue ''. Presumably you need to be an authenticated user.

The transition to the new design version of TweetDeck this time was done without prior notice, and users who were using the old TweetDeck were also forced to transition to the new design version. Also, at the time of writing the article, there is a notation indicating that it is a preview version of 'TweetDeck preview' at the bottom right of the screen, but the menu 'Stop using TweetDeck preview' that existed before has disappeared, and the old version is no longer available.

In addition, TweetDeck's official account has not been updated since May 2022, and no tweets have been posted during the forced transition to the new design version.

in Web Service,   Web Application, Posted by log1o_hf