PlayStation chief says Xbox is more popular in America thanks to 'shooting' and 'multiplayer'

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has sued Microsoft to block Microsoft's acquisition of Activision Blizzard . At the hearing on this lawsuit, various companies in the game industry are seeking opinions on `` Microsoft's acquisition of Activision Blizzard '', and Sony Interactive Entertainment, which develops PlayStation, a rival of Microsoft's game brand Xbox. SIE) CEO Jim Ryan also emphasizes that the Xbox is superior to the PlayStation.
PlayStation CEO: Xbox Games Do Better In US Due To Shooting

At a hearing in the FTC's lawsuit to block Microsoft's acquisition of Activision Blizzard, CEO Ryan gave pre-recorded testimony, in which he mentioned Microsoft's newest console, the Xbox Series X. /S says that the two elements of 'online multiplayer' and 'shooting' are creating strong demand in the United States.
Specifically, Ryan said, ``Most of Microsoft's games include'shooting elements'and'online multiplayer elements. It is.'
Jim Ryan says 'demand for Xbox Series X/S is the US'
—American TruckSongs9 (@ethangach) June 27, 2023
Says that's because the 'majority of their games involve an element of shooting' and 'elements of online multiplayer' both of which are 'typically more popular inside of the US than outside of the US'
On the other hand, Mat Piscatella, a game industry analyst at research firm Circana (formerly NPD Group), said, ``Since January 1, 2020, 2617 different games have been released on Xbox. Shooting games, 365 can be classified as action games and 179 as RPGs.Of course, this is not all games with shooting elements, ”he tweeted.
According to Circana's GamePulse, since Jan 1 2020 there have been 2,617 distinct game releases on Xbox.
—Mat Piscatella (@MatPiscatella) June 27, 2023
146 of these games are classified as Shooters, 365 Action , and 179 RPGs.
Furthermore, ``Many games combine various play elements, so classification is not so important, but there are 355 story-based games, 215 puzzle games, and 114 racing games. ) is also a big category,' he tweeted, mentioning that various types of games have been released on Xbox other than `` games with shooting elements '' cited by CEO Ryan.
It's very squishy, obviously. And many games are just big amalgamations of various gameplay elements. Ultimately it really doesn't matter, but Narrative (355 games), Puzzle (215 games) and Racing/Driving (114 games) are also big segments Shrug.
—Mat Piscatella (@MatPiscatella) June 27, 2023
One of the latest titles developed by (a subsidiary of) Microsoft is the open-world game 'Redfall,' which includes 'shooting elements' and 'online multiplayer elements,' as Ryan points out. However, the title received a low rating, and it became one of the 'lowest rated games of the year'.
Why did Arkane's multi-compatible vampire shooting 'Redfall' fail? -GIGAZINE

Meanwhile, SIE has just released FINAL FANTASY XVI in collaboration with Square Enix. This measure has neither 'shooting elements' nor 'online multiplayer elements', and has been highly evaluated at the time of writing the article.
It seems that the evaluation of the game changes depending on whether it contains 'shooting elements' and 'online multiplayer elements', but since there are many highly rated games that combine both, it is said that it is a game genre after all. It seems that the quality issue is more directly related to the evaluation than the overseas game media Kotaku points out.
Since the hearing began on June 22, local time, Microsoft and SIE have continued to argue in court, even saying that Microsoft has completely lost to PlayStation in the competition for home consoles. I'm here.
Microsoft admits defeat in home game machine war - GIGAZINE

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