Summary of new functions such as ``user list'', ``reply hidden function'', ``add space to hashtag'' being considered in Twitter alternative SNS ``Bluesky''

The development team of the decentralized SNS '

Bluesky ', which is attracting attention as a migration destination from Twitter, explains the functions under development. Features under consideration include several interesting features such as 'permission-based user list', 'restriction of accounts that can reply', and 'hashtags that can include spaces'.

Moderation in a Public Commons - Bluesky

proposals/0001-user-lists-replygating-and-thread-moderation at main bluesky-social/proposals GitHub

proposals/0002-labeling-and-moderation-controls at main bluesky-social/proposals GitHub

proposals/0003-hashtags at main bluesky-social/proposals GitHub

◆ User list
Twitter has a function 'list' that can collect multiple users. Bluesky is also developing a function 'User Lists' that summarizes multiple users similar to Twitter's list, and multiple system forms are being considered.

・One-way user list
The first form is a one-way one in which each user adds their favorite users to the user list, similar to Twitter's list function.

・Reliable user list
The second form is ``By ``trusting'' a user list, the name of the user list will be displayed in the profile field of the user included in the trusted user list. For example, if you trust ''Alice's friend list' created by Alice', 'Alice's friend list' is displayed in Bob's profile field included in 'Alice's friend list', and 'Bob is not Alice's friend'. You will be able to understand with one shot.

・Declared user list
The third form is that 'users added to the user list can choose whether or not to display the user list name in their own profile field'. In the 'trusted user list', even if you are added to a negative user list such as 'fool', you cannot choose whether to display the user list name in your profile field. On the other hand, 'Declared User List' allows you to manage the user list name displayed in your profile field. Also, in the 'declared user list', the state of 'the user list name is displayed on the profile' indicates that 'both the user who created the user list and the added user have agreed'. Therefore, it can also be used to prove that you are a member of a company or organization.

・User list related API
The development of an API that implements functions such as ``requesting addition to the user list'', ``requesting deletion from the user list'', and ``managing the user list by an account other than the creator of the user list'' is also under consideration. increase.

◆ reply gating
'Reply-Gating' is a function to manage users who can reply to their posts. In reply gating, in addition to the operation of ``giving reply permission to a specific user'', it is also possible to ``make only a specific user unable to reply''. By combining reply gating with the user list, you can also set things like 'allow replies only to users included in the user list'.

◆ Thread Moderation
'Thread Moderation' is a function that allows users to hide replies to posts by themselves. However, this feature only hides posts from the 'Reply to Posts' screen, and does not actually delete individual posts. In addition, it is up to the developer of each app whether or not the server party app displays the 'hidden reply', and in the case of the app that does not comply with the guidelines, the 'hidden reply' may be displayed. I have.

◆Labeling service
In Bluesky, ``labels'' are given to posts such as adult content and spam, and users can select ``hide'', ``warning'', and ``show'' posts for each label. The provision of a service `` Labeling Services '' that allows each user to create new labels is under consideration, and software codenamed `` Redsky '' has been developed to assist label management.

The service name labeling service is tentative, and other service names such as 'Labeler', 'Moderator', 'Moderation Authority' and 'Moderation Service' are under consideration.

◆ Hashtag
On major SNS such as Twitter, you can emphasize that you are talking about a specific topic by including hashtags starting with '#' such as '#baseball' and '#food' in your posts. However, Bluesky points out that the existing hashtag system has multiple problems and proposes solutions.

・Visually separate hashtags
Many SNS emphasize hashtags by ``displaying normal text and hashtags in different colors'', but the Bluesky development team has created a dedicated space for displaying hashtags in the post display area to improve visibility. I am proposing to set up

・Allow spaces in hashtags
Many existing SNS do not allow spaces in hashtags, so if you want to make the sentence 'I love baseball.' . In order to solve this problem, the development team proposed to include spaces in hashtags by ``using ``_ (underscore)'' instead of spaces when entering hashtags and replacing them with spaces when posting. I'm here.

Other proposals include ``a function to route posts containing hashtags to user-authorized search engines'' and a ``hashtag-targeted mute function''.

in Web Service, Posted by log1o_hf