Ice bar `` Shimashima Uma Bar '' tasting review with chocolate crispy texture continuing to the end

From Morinaga & Co., Ltd., an ice bar ' Shima Shimauma Uma Bar ' with plenty of layers of chocolate in vanilla ice cream has appeared. It is said that the crispy texture is characteristic, so I actually ate it and checked the texture.
Plenty of chocolate crisp texture ice bar 'Shimashima Uma Bar' Limited release from June 19 (Monday) | 2023 | News Release | Morinaga Confectionery
I bought 'Shima Shimauma Uma Bar' at a convenience store.

The type of shimashima horse bar is 'ice milk', and chocolate coaching, sugar, dairy products, starch syrup, chocolate (including almonds) etc. are used as raw materials.

The calorie is 220 kcal per one.

When I take out the Shimashima Uma bar from the bag, it looks like this. I thought it would be a beautiful striped pattern like a zebra, but it was more of an uneven pattern, as if paint had been soaked in water and stretched out.

The back side has a similar pattern.
The cross section looks something like this, and you can see that thin chocolate overlaps many layers in the ice cream.

When you bite into it, the chocolate crumbles with a pleasant “crisp” sound, and the ice cream with a melting texture spreads in your mouth. The taste is like milk chocolate ice cream without decoration, and the impression that the sweetness of chocolate is somewhat strong. The moment I put it in my mouth, the sweetness of the ice cream touched my tongue, and when the ice cream melted away, the sweetness of the remaining chocolate dominated my mouth. It is good that the crispy texture continues from the beginning to the end.

The reference retail price is 141 yen including tax, and it was sold at 140 yen including tax at the shop I purchased this time. It can be purchased at convenience stores nationwide from Monday, June 19, 2023, and will end as soon as it is gone.
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in Tasting, Posted by log1p_kr