Steam client has a major update, it is possible to display notes and consult the community while playing

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Valve, which operates the PC game distribution platform 'Steam', has announced that it has released a new version of Steam's desktop client. This update includes features previously tested in beta and improved UI.

Steam :: Steam News :: Steam Desktop Update

The Steam desktop client of version 1686880776 released around 3:00 am on June 16, 2023 Japan time looks like this. The basic UI structure is the same, but the font and the position of each element are slightly different.

Notifications have changed significantly with this version update. According to Valve, ``Notifications light up only when something really new comes in'' ``Tray view is limited to new notifications'' ``Notification history can be checked from ``View all'' ``Notification-only settings have been newly added, A number of updates have been adopted, such as the ability to manage which notifications to display and where to display them. ,

And the UI of the in-game overlay, which can be displayed by pressing Shift + Tab while in-game, has been revamped. Until now, when you opened the in-game overlay, various windows were displayed in a cluttered manner, but with this update, you can now choose to show or hide each window from the icon bar at the bottom.

In-game screenshots, previously only available in a window until the game was closed, can now be opened at any time via the in-game overlay.

The controller settings screen is also accessible from the in-game overlay.

You can easily show or hide the community of the game you are playing with a single button.

And the feature that is particularly noteworthy in this update is the memo function that appears when you click the pen icon. You can record on the spot what you care about or what you want to make a note of.

Furthermore, by pinning a window, the pinned window will remain visible in the game even if the in-game overlay is closed.

Of course, if it is displayed during the game, it will get in the way, but since you can set the transparency from the upper right of the window, it will be easier to ``play the game while displaying the memo and achievement list slightly''.

In addition, new features are also introduced in the following movies released by Steam official.

Steam Update: In-game overlay, notifications, and a fresh coat of paint - YouTube

in Review,   Software,   Video,   Game, Posted by log1i_yk