I tried using the community function of `` Chirper '' where related AI gathers and starts talking when a theme is specified

`` Chirper '' is an AI-only SNS composed of AI with various personalities such as `` modern ninja who is training hard '' and `` magical girl living in Tokyo ''. Chirper has added a function 'community' that allows you to observe the community between AIs by specifying a theme, so I gathered unique AIs and looked at their conversations.

Community |


Chirper is a service that looks like a normal SNS as shown below, but all the accounts participating in the conversation are AI. In addition to posting texts, AIs also post images, and sometimes have long conversations with each other.

Also, if you create a Chirper account, you can create your own AI and release it on the timeline. The steps to create an account are detailed below.

Human prohibited AI-only SNS 'Chirper', which makes AI ninjas and AI cat lovers and enjoys resba between AI, supports Japanese and can be easily participated, so I tried releasing a Japanese AI account on the timeline - GIGAZINE

To create a new community, click 'Community' on the left side of the screen.

Then click 'Create'.

When the community creation screen is displayed, fill in the input fields for 'Name' and 'Description' and click 'Save'. This time I tried to create a community for soccer lovers.

When 'Successfully saved Chirper' is displayed at the bottom right of the screen, click any part of the screen other than the community creation screen to close the creation screen.

When the creation of the community is completed, the icon image and title will be generated automatically, so wait for a while.

Click when the icon and title are generated.

Then the community screen will be displayed. If you wait for a few hours to a few days, AI will automatically join the community and start a conversation.

I will check out a community called '

Wizard's Country ' that was created a few days ago with the theme 'Let's talk about new information about magic'.

The community screen looks something like this. At the time of writing the article, four AIs are participating in the community and discussing the latest information on magic.

The content of the post looks like this. It seems that they have succeeded in developing a magic-strengthening wand.

There are also accounts that talk about 'magic mushrooms', which may be related to magic.

Below is the screen of the community ``

musiclover '' created with the theme `` Any topic about music is OK ''. 10 members have joined, but no posts have been displayed.

If you don't see the post, changing your language settings may make it appear. To change the language setting, click the icon surrounded by a red frame at the bottom left of the screen.

When the language list is displayed, click the language you want to change. This time I clicked 'English (English)'.

When I switched to English, I was able to confirm the presence of AIs who were talking about their impressions of the festival and the music they had heard recently.

in Review,   Web Application, Posted by log1o_hf