Impact movie that destroys the power meter with any wireless operation device ``Flipper Zero'' that has been stopped by Amazon due to high performance


Flipper Zero ' is a remote control device that supports a wide variety of wireless connection standards such as infrared rays and Bluetooth.Because of its high performance, it was seized by the Brazilian authorities , and there were incidents such as Amazon's suspension of sales. I'm here. A movie that records how the power meter is wirelessly controlled and destroyed using such Flipper Zero has been released.

Flipper Zero Disconnecting Smart Meter Power to House-YouTube

Flipper Zero Smokes Smart Meter!-YouTube

Flipper Zero is a small device also called 'Tamagotchi for hacking'. is equipped with Flipper Zero supports a wide variety of wireless standards such as Bluetooth, NFC, infrared rays, etc. ``Imitate the communication contents of the remote control and use it instead of the remote controller'' ``Reproduce the pre-programmed communication contents and remotely operate the device. ' and 'record electronic tag information and unlock smart lock'. You can find out more about Flipper Zero by reading the following article.

Remote control device 'Flipper Zero' compatible with wide frequency band and NFC / Bluetooth / infrared - GIGAZINE

Peter Fairlie , who has released several movie examples of using Flipper Zero, succeeded in controlling the power meter using Flipper Zero. What you actually control is the following household electricity meter.

Operate Flipper Zero near the power meter.

Then, the display of the power meter changed.

Then send a shutdown command. Looking at the display on the screen, the command you sent seems to be 'sudo shutdown now'.

When the command was sent, the panel display of the power meter disappeared with a 'click' sound.

After that, the lights in the house will turn on and off according to the continuous sound of 'click' and 'click'. Apparently, the power meter seems to have fallen into a power ON/OFF loop.

Change the location and try again to operate the power meter. Next to the power meter, there is a warning of 'Caution of high voltage'.

Send shutdown command and shutdown successfully.

This power meter also fell into a power ON/OFF loop.

After repeatedly turning the power on and off several times, smoke suddenly appeared from the power meter.

Smoke filled the inside and the meter display became invisible.

in Hardware,   Video, Posted by log1o_hf