Swiss startup launches plan to lay solar panels between tracks

Switzerland is installing solar panels in train tracks | TechSpot
Quando il solare corre lungo i binari ferroviari - SWI
Swiss startup makes first attempt to deploy solar on railways – pv magazine International
For the purpose of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, power generation using renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and water power has been spreading in recent years. However, with solar power generation, there are problems such as the physical space for installing solar panels and the impact on the environment, and there are various obstacles to full spread.
Therefore, the Swiss-based startup 'Sun-Ways' is considering a plan to spread removable solar panels between the tracks.
Sun-Ways' solar panel installation plan uses large solar panels, unlike Italian and British companies that have announced similar technology so far. Sun-Ways also plans to use a special train to unroll and install the panels on the tracks as part of the solar panel installation process, rather than being manually installed by human workers. The solar panels will be installed using a special freight train developed by the Swiss railway management company Scheuchzer .

Below is a demonstration video of solar panel installation by Sun-Ways. A train equipped with a special tool for laying the panels is running, and you can see how the solar panels, which are installed like carpets, are fixed to the rails with a piston mechanism.
Also, according to Sun-ways, in the future they plan to run a vehicle that stores the solar panels and a two-car train that installs the panels. Eliminating human workers makes solar panel installation quick and cheap. In addition, it is possible to temporarily remove the solar panels when the railway company performs regular maintenance and management of the tracks, or when repairing the solar panels.
Sun-Ways, which received permission from the Federal Ministry of Transport in Switzerland, has started an introduction test to install solar panels on the track near Butte Station from May 2023. According to Sun-Ways, the trial, which will be completed by the fall of 2023, will cost $560,000 (about 78 million yen) and will consist of 60 sheets of paper between a total of 140 feet (about 42m) of track near Neuchâtel . We are planning to install solar panels.

All the power generated in this test will be supplied to local households, but in the future it will be possible to use part of the power generated to run trains. Sun-Ways co-founder Baptiste Danihelt said, 'If we installed solar panels across the Swiss rail network, which stretches for almost 5,000 km, we could generate up to 1 terawatt of energy per year, which is the highest in Switzerland. It is theoretically possible to cover about 2% of the electricity used.'
While there are positive opinions about this project, which promotes the spread of renewable energy, some experts are cautious. Bill Nussey, founder of clean energy advocacy group
In addition, the International Railway Union said, ``Light reflected by solar panels may interfere with train operation'', ``It is difficult to generate electricity in heavy snowfall areas and may waste money'', , there is a possibility of microcracks, damage, and dust adhering to the panel.'

However, Mr. Danihelt said that these problems can be solved, ``There is a railway network of about 260,000 km in Europe and more than 1 million km in the world, half of which we can lay our solar panels. It should be, ”he said, suggesting that it will be deployed not only in Switzerland but around the world.
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