A bug that tweets and retweets that should have been deleted on Twitter are restored without permission is discovered, and it is necessary to check whether your past deleted tweets have really disappeared

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The overseas media The Verge reports that tweets and retweets that should have been deleted on Twitter have been restored for some reason.

A Twitter bug is restoring deleted tweets and retweets — including my own - The Verge


Deleted tweets are reappearing for some Twitter users | ZDNET

The Verge reporter James Vincent said he deleted all past tweets on May 8, 2023.

However, when Mr. Vincent checked his Twitter account in the early morning of May 22, 2023 local time, he noticed that some retweets that he should have deleted were restored. At the time Mr. Vincent confirmed, it seems that the `` tweets and retweets that should have been deleted '' before May 8 were restored, but even if you check the reply column of Mr. Vincent's Twitter account at the time of writing the article, 5 Tweets and retweets before May 8th cannot be confirmed.

The oldest of the deleted tweets and retweets that have been arbitrarily restored is the `` video of the protest movement against the death of George Floyd '' retweeted by Mr. Vincent in 2020.

About this, Mr. Vincent said, 'Why would Twitter restore information from three years ago? And what is it that the platform can control user data? Clearly nothing good pointed out.

In addition, Mr. Vincent is not the only one who noticed that the tweets and retweets that should have been deleted were restored.

Mastodon user Dick Morrell said, 'In November 2022, I deleted all the tweets, one by one, by hand. Then I used

Redact to delete all the likes and retweets. 38,000 tweets have disappeared, and after 6 months, I posted less than 5 tweets, but I woke up this morning to find 34,000 tweets that Twitter should have deleted. It was restored ,' and reported that a large number of tweets that should have been deleted were restored.

It's not clear how widespread this bug is or what exactly caused it. It could also be the tool used to delete the tweet. Vincent uses TweetDelete.net to delete tweets, and Morrell uses Redact to delete tweets. Others have speculated that Twitter's servers may have been moved and the data restored by mistake.

Morrell told ZDNET, an overseas media outlet, that more than 400 people have experienced the restoration of deleted tweets and retweets. The Verge asked employees to investigate whether tweets and retweets that had been deleted on their own accounts in the past had been restored, but the results were mixed, some were restored and some were not.

``Whatever is happening, Twitter's infrastructure is collapsing, and it is proving once again that even the basic functions promised to users have not been realized,'' Vincent commented. Additionally, Twitter remains an important tool for activists, whistleblowers, and protesters around the world, saying, 'For example, if you're politically at odds with a dictatorship, the ability to delete your tweets is It may be extremely important, 'he criticized Twitter's bug.

in Mobile,   Software,   Web Service, Posted by logu_ii