A report that a new substance whose existence has not been confirmed on the earth has been generated by a lightning strike

Lightning is a relatively familiar natural phenomenon, but it is also a phenomenon that is still full of scientific discoveries, such as the

discovery that antimatter is generated by the high energy generated by a large-scale electrical discharge. A paper stating that a completely new mineral group that fills the gap between cosmic substances and terrestrial minerals may have been found in a mineral called fulgurite , which was newly found at the site of a lightning strike on a tree. has been announced.

Routes to reduction of phosphate by high-energy events | Communications Earth & Environment

USF geoscientist discovers new phosphorus material after New Port Richey lightning strike


Lightning Struck A Tree And We Got A Brand New Phosphorus Mineral | IFLScience

Below is a photo of fulgurite, a ``fossil of lightning,'' recovered from a lightning strike site in Florida by Matthew Pasek, an earth scientist at the University of South Florida. The fulgurite was a hollow tube of vitreous material measuring 2 centimeters in diameter and 7 centimeters in length.

This fulgurite was found in a private home in Newport Richie, Florida. The landlord found the mineral in a lightning trail, realized it was valuable, and decided to sell it. Mr. Pasek, who purchased it, analyzed the minerals with Luca Bindi, a crystallographer at the University of Florence, Italy.

Fulgurite itself is a rare mineral, but analysis by Pasek et al.'s research team revealed that a unique substance similar to calcium phosphite (CaHPO3) is hidden in this fulgurite.

Mr. Pasek with Fulgurite.

by Matthew Pasek/University of South Florida

Elements such as phosphorus and calcium that make up this substance are all common, so at first glance it seems not so rare. However, according to the research team, only phosphorus minerals in nature with

oxidation numbers of '+5' and '-1' have been found, and those with oxidation numbers of '+3' found this time are It has never been found in natural minerals.

Mr. Pasek said of this substance, ``I have never seen this exist naturally on earth.I have never seen anything exactly like it, although I can find similar minerals in meteorites and in outer space. '' he said.

Co-author of the paper, Tian Feng of the University of South Florida, heated a sample to 1000 degrees to reproduce the material found in fulgurite, but could not make it in the laboratory. This indicates that very specific conditions and the right timing must be met to obtain the '+3' oxidation number phosphorus mineral. The research team also tried adding iron and silicon contained in fulgurite, but the results did not change.

The research team said that in humid climates like Florida, iron often accumulates in tree roots, and that the material found in fulgurite contains trace amounts of iron. It is thought that lightning strikes burn the carbon in the trees and the iron that accumulates in the roots of the trees.”

Since the material found this time is very similar to that found in meteorites, it is expected to provide clues about the origin of meteorites. In addition, since this was found on the earth, it has the potential to influence the knowledge of the phosphorus circulation , which is the movement of phosphorus on the earth, and become the key to unraveling the history of life on earth.

According to Feng, researchers believe that ``lightning-induced phosphate reduction was widespread on the early Earth.'' There are still unresolved questions about this process, but the discovery suggests that phosphorus can exist in a previously unsuspected form, suggesting the development of life on early Earth. could have played an important role in

Mr. Pasek and Mr. Bindi plan to conduct further investigations in the future to determine whether the material found this time can be officially declared a new mineral.

in Science, Posted by log1l_ks