5 unconfirmed 'evidence of extraterrestrial life' that is still controversial

Mushrooms on Mars? Five unproven claims that alien life exists
According to Gareth Dorian, a postdoctoral fellow in space science at the University of Birmingham, England, some of the discoveries that have been described as 'extraterrestrial proof' have unconfirmed origins and circumstances. Is said to exist. The following five are typical ones.
◆ 1: Fossil microorganisms
Allan Hills 84001 (ALH84001) is a fragment of a meteorite of Martian origin collected in Antarctica in 1984. According to Dorian, Martian rocks that were blown into space by a volcanic eruption or a meteorite impact may have reached Earth after millions of years of drifting.
The meteorite is not a trace of extraterrestrial life , as NASA researchers published a treatise in 1996 stating that they 'discovered microbial debris and a chain-like structure inside Allan Hills 84001.' At the time of writing the article, discussions about the truth and origin are still ongoing.

◆ 2: Mushrooms on Mars
Another discovery that has been described as a Martian creature is the black grain in the following photo taken by

Dorian said of Allan Hills 84001 and hematite concretion: 'Whether it's an earthworm-like structure or a mushroom-like grain, many scientists say,'A well-known inorganic process that resembles a living organism. It's quite possible that an earthworm can be made. ”That is, just because it looks like a living thing doesn't mean it's a living thing.”
◆ 3: Mysterious outgassing
In the Viking program , a series of Mars exploration missions carried out in the 1970s, will the soil of Mars be exposed to carbon-14- containing nutrients to exchange biological gas such as respiration and photosynthesis? An experiment was conducted to find out.

In this experiment, it was detected that a gas containing carbon 14 was released from the soil sample, and the gas release stopped when the sample was heated to a high temperature, which is not evidence of the existence of life in the soil of Mars. I was struck. Ultimately, NASA concluded that the results of this experiment were 'not a sign of life,' but discussions have continued on the mechanism by which gas was generated.
◆ 4: Wow! signal
' Wow! Signal ' is one of the unsolved cases in astronomy. On August 15, 1977, Jerry Aman of The Ohio State University, who was observing the SETI project , discovered a peculiar signal that is unlikely to occur in nature and said 'Wow!' Since I wrote it in pen, it came to be called 'Wow! Signal' as it is.
The discussion about 'Wow! Signal' is summarized in the following article.
Is the identity of 'Wow! Signal', which is suspected to be a mysterious signal from extraterrestrial life, finally revealed? --GIGAZINE

by fitzsean
A new theory about the identity of the mysterious signal 'Wow! Signal' from space has appeared --GIGAZINE

Despite repeated observations in the same direction that this signal was discovered, a signal similar to the 'Wow! Signal' was never detected. Various theories such as comets and artificial satellites have been advocated regarding the identity of the signal, but there is no unified view and it remains unclear at the time of writing the article.
◆ 5: Tabby's Star
In the field of planetary exploration, a technique called the 'dimming method' is commonly used to examine how light periodically diminishes as a planet passes in front of a star. In 2015, Planet Hunters ' observation team, searching for planets using this method, discovered that KIC 8462852 , located 1480 light-years away from Earth, was experiencing irregular and unusually intense dimming. ..
Regarding this astronomical phenomenon called 'Tabby's Star' after Mr. Tabetha Boyazian who first published this discovery in the paper, it is said that the debris generated by the collision between comets and celestial bodies is the true identity. In addition, it is said that the theory that 'an alien with advanced technology may have built a huge structure surrounding a star' is also advocated.
by Kanijoman
However, since no radio waves have been observed to support the theory that it is a structure by extraterrestrial civilization, 'the passage of cosmic dust through the surface of the star caused an abnormal decrease in light.' The theory is that it is the mainstream.
Regarding the above five events, Dorian said, 'The claim that evidence of extraterrestrial life has been found is exciting, but it is important to treat it with sound skepticism. From that standpoint, the existence of extraterrestrial life. No conclusive evidence has been found to support this, at least so far. '
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