What is the most common 'tinnitus' frequency?

Although many people suffer from tinnitus, a ringing sound in their heads, no effective treatment has yet been discovered. AudioNotch, which develops services to improve these tinnitus, has determined the ``most common tinnitus frequency'' based on data collected from users.

AudioNotch Blog» Blog ArchiveWhat are the most common tinnitus frequencies? - AudioNotch Blog


AudioNotch is a service that provides sound therapy to improve tinnitus. The service attempts to alleviate tinnitus distress by playing either music or white noise at the same frequency as the tinnitus.

According to AudioNotch, although there are many documents on tinnitus, it has not been confirmed that it is clear how much tinnitus frequency varies from person to person. So AudioNotch decided to look into their database to see if they could identify tinnitus frequencies.

AudioNotch retrieves information from active accounts and identifies tinnitus frequencies set by the user at any time. Considering the human audible range, sounds below 50Hz and above 20000Hz were cut, and the obtained data was visualized.

The distribution of tinnitus frequencies reported by AudioNotch is as follows. The most frequently confirmed frequency was the 8000Hz band. AudioNotch commented that it was 'interesting' that the results showed that the two were similar, since there are many environmental sounds around 8000 Hz that are a major cause of tinnitus.

Also, regarding the increase in the value around 20000 Hz, 'I think I'm listening to sounds with frequencies beyond the perceptible range. There may be some neurological cause.' speculated AudioNotch.

AudioNotch notes that the data has some limitations, including that the user tuning process is often imprecise, but that it 'looks pretty much in line with real-world population data.' I am concluding.

It should be noted that there are many unknowns about how tinnitus is caused, so first rule out elementary causes such as whether there is an accumulation of earwax, whether there is an infection, whether there is a hole in the eardrum, etc. After that, experts advise you to have a comprehensive hearing test.

Why Does Tinnitus Occur? How can I relieve tinnitus? -GIGAZINE

in Note,   Science, Posted by log1p_kr