Why Does Tinnitus Occur? How can I relieve tinnitus?

Many people around the world suffer from tinnitus, which is the sensation of ringing in the ears. Some people are chronically ill, while others have sudden onset of symptoms. Bradley Kessar, professor of otolaryngology at the University of Virginia, explains how to deal with tinnitus like this.

That annoying ringing, buzzing and hissing in the ear – a hearing specialist offers tips to turn down the tinnitus


Tinnitus sounds vary from patient to patient, such as buzzing, whistling, and rumbling sounds. However, the symptom of any sound is called tinnitus. And what tinnitus patients have in common is that ``the sound is not coming from the outside,'' and that it is literally ringing in the ears, says Kesser.

About 50 million Americans alone, or 15% of the population, suffer from tinnitus, of which approximately 20 million suffer from burdensome chronic tinnitus, and another 2 million suffer from extreme tinnitus. It seems that they are suffering.

The symptoms of tinnitus are not known in detail, and some researchers say that it occurs in the ear and that it occurs in the brain. However, no one can say for sure, and the current situation is that there is no sure cure.

However, little is known about what causes tinnitus. For example, the explosions that occur at rock concerts, factories, battlefields, etc. may be triggered, and many military personnel are suffering from tinnitus. Other factors include illnesses such as sinus infections, fevers, the flu, emotional stress, and consumption of substances such as caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and aspirin.

Regarding ways to improve tinnitus, Kesser said, ``First, rule out elementary causes such as having an ear exam to see if there is a buildup of earwax, an infection, or a perforated eardrum. should do,' he said. After that, you will need to undergo a comprehensive hearing test.

Mr. Kesser cites 'listening to another sound' as a more in-depth and simple improvement. For example, there are various natural environment recordings on YouTube that cancel out unpleasant sounds, and there are environmental sound apps available for smartphones. For some people, the sounds of air conditioners, fans, and radios can also be effective in canceling tinnitus.

Antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications may help if tinnitus is thought to come from emotional stress, says Kesser. Talk therapy is also effective for people with depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, etc. It's a treatment that helps people learn to live with tinnitus rather than fight it by reducing the underlying stress.

Mr. Kessar also points out that many patients are involved in a chain of stress before seeing a doctor. For some people, tinnitus becomes stressful, stress increases tinnitus, and stress increases further, and a negative chain continues, Kesser said, ``Doctors are advised that tinnitus can be dangerous or life-threatening. It is important to reassure the patient that it is not a sign or symptom of something more serious, and often this simple reassurance is enough to keep tinnitus under control. Our goal is to reduce the chances that patients are distracted or unable to sleep at night because of tinnitus.'

Finally, Mr. Kesser said, ``Be careful because there are many supplements that claim to cure or reduce tinnitus.There are no scientific studies that show that these supplements have cured tinnitus.'' Pointed out. 'People who can hear a pulse should see a doctor, as well as those with pulsating tinnitus. Time is of the essence for many tinnitus sufferers, and it may take months or years. No, but at some point the symptoms mostly subside and often the impact is greatly reduced.'

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