'Simple Sabotage Field Manual', a sabotage instruction manual for citizens direct from the CIA, such as 'Put sugar in the gasoline tank' and 'Push the hairpin into the keyhole'

Direct combat is important during wartime, but manipulation activities such as lowering the morale of enemy countries and cutting off transportation networks are also important strategies. In the ' Simple Sabotage Field Manual ' created by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the United States, there are methods of appeasing citizens of enemy countries to act as operatives, 'putting sugar in the gas tank', 'telephone line Specific means of craft activities such as cutting the tire and puncturing the tire are described.

Simple Sabotage Field Manual (Wayback Machine)

1944 OSS Simple Sabotage Field Manual GitHub

'Simple Sabotage Field Manual' is an action manual for spies and operatives created by the CIA in 1944 in the middle of World War II. ``How to efficiently and unobtrusively interfere with enemy countries'' to achieve the purpose of ``creating a situation in which the United States and other Allies want to attack and occupy themselves'' is summarized.

·table of contents
◆ 1: Preparation for subversive activities
◆ 2: Target selection for subversive activities
◆ 3: Specific destruction method
・ 3-a: How to destroy a building
・3-b: How to destroy a production facility
・ 3-c: How to destroy the railway network
・ 3-d: How to destroy the automobile traffic network
・ 3-e: How to destroy the communication network
・ 3-f: How to destroy the organization

◆ 1: Preliminary preparation for sabotage
Subversive activities against enemy countries may be carried out directly by CIA personnel, but by inciting the citizens of enemy countries to have 'common citizens' carry out subversive activities, effective subversive activities can be carried out over a long period of time. However, the general public is often uninformed and unmotivated about subversive activities, so first we need to motivate them, encourage them, and ensure their safety.

・Provide personal motivation
In order to motivate citizens to participate in subversive activities, it is first necessary to convey the benefits of participating in subversive activities. In addition, it is effective to include specific details and dates for various benefits, such as 'restriction on XX will be abolished on MM/DD' or 'food will arrive on MM/DD'. On the other hand, abstract benefits such as 'ensuring individual freedom' and 'ensuring freedom of the press' are not useful for participating in subversive activities.

Since there is a limit to the effect that a citizen can achieve alone, cooperation may not be obtained if the citizen believes that it is necessary to carry out destructive activities on their own. For this reason, it is necessary to give information that ``a subversive activity called XX has already been carried out in this area'' and make them believe that ``a subversive activity will be carried out by a large-scale organization.'' At this time, it is OK to make up the fact of the subversive activity. It is also effective to inflate the number of citizens engaged in subversive activities.

In order to provide the above incentives, CIA agents need to engage in subversive activities themselves in the early stages, but in the end, it is necessary to instill a sense of responsibility for subversive activities in the public, and to create situations in which citizens recruit other citizens. Ideally it should be generated.

・Encourages destructive power
Many citizens have never worked with tools or heavy machinery. These citizens need specific suggestions on what to destroy and instructions on how to destroy them. On the other hand, engineers such as auto mechanics and lathe workers can spontaneously find objects to destroy and devise methods of destruction. When engaging these citizens in vandalism, it is more important to encourage the right mindset for sabotage than to guide them through the process.

·Safety measure
If a citizen who engages in sabotage activities is caught by the authorities, the rumors of the exposure will spread to other citizens and the scale of the sabotage activities will be reduced. For this reason, it is also important for spies to teach citizens how to avoid detection.

First, we need to let citizens use tools that are unlikely to be used for sabotage, such as 'knives', 'nail files', 'matches', 'pebbles', and 'hair'. Citizens who are engaged in certain occupations can naturally carry 'bricks' and 'hammers'.

It is also important to create a situation in which it is not known who carried out the sabotage. For example, if the switchboard in the factory was destroyed, suspicion would spread among everyone working in the factory, increasing the chances of evading detection. It is also important to leave the scene immediately after carrying out sabotage without waiting.

◆ 2: Target selection for subversive activities
The targets on which sabotage activities are effective change depending on the timing, such as 'before the military offensive', 'just before the military offensive', and 'during the military offensive'.

・Before military offensive
In the preliminary stages of a military offensive, it is important to destroy products and objects that are in use or are known to be in use by the enemy. For example, heavy industrial products, fuels and lubricants can be targeted for destruction. On the one hand, crops and food should not be destroyed.

・Just before the military offensive
Immediately before a military offensive, it is important to cut off the flow of supplies and equipment. For this reason, we should actively promote destructive activities such as `` destroying the tires of military vehicles '' and `` making rubber factories that are the raw materials of tires inoperable ''.

・In the midst of a military offensive
In the midst of a military offensive, targets for destruction should be those that directly and immediately affect military activity. For example, destroying roads, railroad tracks, cars, trucks, bicycles, trains, and trams can cut off the transport of enemy soldiers and supplies. In addition, destroying telephones, telegraph and power systems, radios, and newspapers is also effective in severing an enemy's chain of command. In addition, destruction to goods such as gasoline, oil, food, and water is also important.

◆ 3: Specific destruction method
・ 3-a: How to destroy a building
Warehouses, barracks, offices, hotels, and factories are suitable targets for sabotage because they are characterized by being 'susceptible to fire damage' and 'many opportunities for outsiders such as janitor and visitors to enter and exit'. Specific methods and precautions to start a fire are as follows.

・Twist the paper into a string and place it at the base of the candle to ignite the candle. As a result, when the candle burns to the root, the flame spreads to the string and develops into a fire.
• Adjust the length of the candle so that saboteurs have enough time to escape.
・Putting a flammable material such as a bag filled with cotton at the end of the string will make it easier for the fire to spread.
• Building managers often manage oily waste in the basement. For this reason, if you aim at the basement, it is easy to start a fire.
If the saboteur is a factory worker, skip cleaning and leave the trash behind. This makes it easier to start a fire.

In addition, procedures exist for destroying buildings by means other than fire.

・Activate sprinklers to flood the building.
・Flush tightly rolled paper or hair down the toilet. A certain buildup of impurities renders the sewage system unusable.
・Soak a sponge in a strong sugar solution or starch solution, roll it into a ball and tie it tightly with a string. When the string is removed after it dries, the sponge becomes a ball, which is flushed down the toilet and disrupts the sewage system.
・Fill the keyhole of the building entrance with hairpins, tree branches, paper, etc. to make it impossible to open and close.

・3-b: How to destroy a production facility
By lowering the production capacity of factories that produce various goods, it is possible to lower the enemy's ability. The methods for reducing the production capacity of the factory are as follows.

・Blunt cutting tools such as drills.
・Keep the saw slightly twisted when not in use. As a result, aging becomes more severe.
- Use the file with faster strokes than usual. This increases the wear of the file.
・Files break easily when slammed into a vise.
・Drill bits break easily with strong pressure.
・If you put more items than usual in the press machine, it will not work properly.
・Foreign matter is put into the lubricating contact or electric contact of the tool.
・Slacking the oil can destabilize the operation of machines that require oil.
• Contaminate the lubrication system with metal powder or file shavings.
・Remove the filter of the machine or make a hole with a pencil or the like.
- Mix different types of oil.
・Break a hole in the oil storage container.
・Contaminate the cooling system with wheat, rice, hair, etc.
- Pour cold water over the heated motor. Cracks occur after repeated repetitions.
• Stuffing impurities into the intake and exhaust bubbles.

Destructive means for gasoline and engines used in factories are as follows.

・Clog supply lines by filling gasoline tanks and fuel tanks with wheat and rice. Rubber bands and erasers are also effective.
・Add 75 to 100 grams of sugar or honey to 10 gallons (about 45 liters) of gasoline. This can destroy your engine.
・Mix metal powder, sand, frosted glass, etc. into gasoline. This causes rapid engine wear.
・Add water, urine, or wine to gasoline. This reduces the concentration of gasoline and renders the engine unusable.
• Lubricate a diesel engine that requires diesel with another fuel.
・When entering a gasoline storage room, place a lighted candle to induce a fire.
・If the air is not filled with gasoline, try measures such as 'piercing the gasoline tank' and 'sealing the window of the storage room'.

Destruction methods for motors are as follows.

・Set the resistance of the variable resistor to a large value.
・Change the setting of the thermal relay.
・Leave dirt, dirt, and dust around the motor without cleaning it.
・Loosen the connection nut or damage the insulator to increase the amount of current that flows.
・Induce a short circuit by sprinkling metal powder around the motor.

・ 3-c: How to destroy the railway network
In order to destroy the transportation network, the actions required of saboteurs who act as conductors and crew members are as follows.

・Intentional mistake in issuing a ticket.
・Issue multiple tickets for the same seat.
・Waste time by switching the ticket issuing method from the printed method to the handwritten method.
・Posting incorrect arrival and departure signs.
・The taste of food served in the car is spoiled.
・Tickets are checked in the middle of the night.
・Call loudly in the middle of the night.
・Handle luggage as noisy as possible in the middle of the night.
・Rewrite the destination of the package
・Delay operations with plausible reasons.
- Rotate the engine at high speed and use the brake frequently on downhills.

The destructive activities required of train and track mechanics are as follows.

・Change the wiring of traffic signals and railroad crossings to the wrong state.
・Loosen the screw so that the railroad crossing does not move.
・Sprinkle salt on electrical contacts such as traffic lights. When salt mixes with rainwater, it shorts out.
・Loosen the coupling of the vehicle.
・Trains that need repair are operated as they are.

・ 3-d: How to destroy the automobile traffic network
How to destroy the car traffic network is as follows.

・Change signs at intersections and junctions.
・Remove danger signals at curves and intersections.
・When asked for directions, give incorrect information such as 'the bridge is closed' or 'the ferry service has stopped.'
• Increase the sand and water content of concrete when building roads.
・In the warm season, it is possible to dig asphalt with a shovel.
・Open the water gate wide and destroy the road with the water flow.
- Scatter the road with nails, shards of glass, and sharp stones to puncture the tire.
・Bus drivers pass through bus stops where enemies want to get off.
・Taxi drivers are forced to waste time and money by making detours.
Keep the lights on while parked, draining the battery.
・ Skip the oil change.

Means for damaging tires are as follows:

・Put a nail in a matchbox and stand it vertically near the rear wheel of a parked car. When the car starts moving, the tire gets punctured by a nail.
・When repairing a tire, the repairer throws glass, benzine, sodium hydroxide, etc. into the tire. This makes it easier to puncture the tube.
• The repairer leaves the material that caused the puncture inside the tire.
• The repairer keeps the tube between the rim and the wheel when repairing the tire.
・When inflating tires, put less than the specified amount.
・Sprinkle the tires with oil, gasoline, or benzine when entering a tire management facility. However, in the case of synthetic rubber, the effect is weak.

・ 3-e: How to destroy the communication network
Among various means of communication, the method of destroying the telephone is as follows.

・Telephone operators deliberately enter the wrong number.
- Cut telephone lines in hotels and offices.
・Call the enemy headquarters at least once a day to sabotage their operations.
・If you receive a call from the enemy's headquarters, tell them that it is a wrong call.
- anonymously make false reports of fires, air raids, or bombings to the military or police;

The means of destruction of letters and telegrams are as follows.

・Deliberately mistakenly send a telegram to the wrong address.
・Rewrite the contents of the telegram. For example, change 'minimum' to 'maximum'.
- Post office employees delay work for more than one day.

Propaganda films are often shown during wartime. The means to prevent this are as follows.

・The person in charge of the projector shifts the focus and deliberately fast-forwards.
・Audience clap loudly to drown out the sound. Coughing and talking are also effective.
・Put about 20 to 40 moths in a paper bag and enter the audience. When the paper bag is opened during the screening, moths gather in the light and block the projection of the image.

・ 3-f: How to destroy the organization
The `` Simple Sabotage Field Manual '' also explains how to destroy an organization by means such as `` holding meaningless meetings '', `` making important use of incompetent subordinates '', and `` skipping work ''. How to destroy the organization is summarized in the following article in detail.

A manual 'Simple Sabotage Field Manual' that summarizes the 'Fool's Knowledge' that the CIA made an infiltration spy execute to destroy the enemy's organization - GIGAZINE

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