Apple Watch discovers the danger of a man's life that doctors could not see through two warnings

Ken Counihan, who lives in Cleveland, Ohio, wore an Apple Watch to check emails, answer calls, measure momentum, and play music. Mr. Kunihan reports that this Apple Watch saved his life.
Cleveland man credits Apple Watch for life-saving medical discovery

Apple Watch helps diagnose something it wasn't designed to find | AppleInsider
Mr. Kounihan is very active and loves to record his exercise and other things. Therefore, Mr. Kunihan seems to wear Apple Watch to track sleep status not only during the day but also at bedtime.
However, around October 2022, Mr. Kunihan received a warning from Apple Watch that ``the number of breaths per minute is increasing''. Until then, the respiratory rate, which was about 14 times per minute, increased to 17 to 18 times per minute at the time of warning.
Mr. Counihan said that when he consulted his wife about the warning, he was urged to call his son. When I consulted with my son on the phone, my son advised me to go to the hospital and get an examination, so Mr. Kunihan heads to the hospital to see a doctor. However, it seems that the hospital only took an X-ray and prescribed medicine for bronchitis.
Upon examination, Mr. Counihan thought that the Apple Watch had detected early symptoms of a mild illness. Therefore, it seems that he was preparing to sleep as usual after returning home. However, it seems that the worn Apple Watch began to issue another warning.
Usually, the blood oxygen concentration should be recorded as '95%' or more, but it seems that Mr. Kunihan's blood oxygen concentration before sleep was down to the middle of 80%. Mr. Counihan said he thought he was tired and wanted to sleep, but his wife and son were so worried about the second warning that they decided to head to the emergency room (ER).
The blood oxygen concentration can be measured with Apple Watch only for
Summary of how to use the ``blood oxygen wellness app'' that can measure blood oxygen concentration with ``Apple Watch Series 6''-GIGAZINE

Mr. Kunihan submitted the data detected by Apple Watch that ``respiration rate increased per minute'' and ``blood oxygen concentration decreased'' at ER, and the doctor conducted a further CT examination. Then, it seems that clots were found throughout Mr. Counihan's lungs. Dr. Lucy Frangik, an emergency physician at the Cleveland Clinic who examined Counihan, said the blood clots found in Counihan's lungs were a serious and potentially life-threatening condition.
“Thrombi, if not detected early, can be life-threatening,” Dr. Franzik said. Mr. Kunihan also said, 'If I was sleeping at home without being hospitalized on that day, the doctor told me that there was a 60% chance that I would not be able to wake up the next morning.'
In addition, ``Patients who usually use Apple Watch have already noticed trends such as 'heart rate is higher than usual' and 'heartbeat is in an abnormal rhythm' when they come to the hospital. Having this information in advance can help doctors diagnose underlying problems and prevent life-threatening emergencies from occurring,' Dr. Franzik said.
Mr. Kunihan seems to believe that Apple Watch saved his life. After the onset of symptoms, Mr. Kunihan is taking anticoagulants and seems to be recovering considerably. In addition, Mr. Kunihan said, 'When I had dinner with my friend the other day, he was also considering purchasing an Apple Watch,' said Mr. Kunihan. I am revealing that I am
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